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RE: The Slacker's Guide to the Great Remission: UNTYING THE KNOT: THE PARADOX OF CIVILIZATION (part 2)

in #writing6 years ago

I thank you, ... @citizenzero. Would like to know your real name :)

A person could walk around with a stone in their shoe and simply take a pain pill rather than discovering the problem and then remove the stone. By avoiding the pain, they're damaging their foot and not taking care of themselves.

that is another good picture to get the message. Now I hang up the phone. LOL!

Yeah, this is it.

I am having a hard time to see it as dangerous any more. I rather look at it as a blessing. But still attach a good amount of heaviness in it. But this is going to be of lighter weight, I guess when time goes by. At least when death is knocking on my door :)


Would like to know your real name :)

I'm @citizenzero more than I am the person who created him. Plus, I feel that my position could damage relationships in my real (fictive) life so it's better that I remain anonymous right now. @citizenzero is not generating any interest but I'm determined to get my message out there because I feel it's important. I can (and have) written about anything including dandelions and unicorns. I just don't think that stuff is important. Being a cheerleader is much more popular in a world filled with righteous angst, but CZ is a truth teller and not a panderer.

I actually lost a good friend with this manuscript. He would not speak to me after I let him read it. I know it is very powerful but the world is not receptive to the message since it chews away at the very foundation of people's misguided beliefs.

Since I also would like to be "successful" on Steemit, I plan to twin very soon. That will be the incarnate me, the person who lives an apparent life within a rigid society. Since I'm truly not motivated along the line of cheerleader, I've made it into an experiment to gauge the escapism factor of modern people. It is already apparent to me, but not in my prose against my prose. It'll be fun.

I am having a hard time to see it as dangerous any more.

It is dangerous if you don't have proper guidance. In my satori experience, my ego completely disappeared. I totally understood the meaning of liberation. But then my ego returned with a vengence and reattached itself firmly. I was very young, alone on a beach with no one with a similar experience to talk to. Perhaps if it had happened in an asram or temple I could have developed further while the experience was fresh. It didn't. Enlightenment became an object and a goal, which is a huge mistake. The experience taught me that what the sages claim is real and possible, so I could never just chalk the experience to being a hallucination or illusion. It became a paradox that has pushed me in a direction that hasn't been particularly fulfilling for me. For whatever reason, I accept this as the path I was meant to take, but it has been hard and I fear, needlessly painful. It's not fun to watch the world destroy itself when you know it is totally unnecessary. If I were truly enlightened, it wouldn't matter a whit. Unfortunately there is still an imaginary "me" experiencing all of this mental and emotional upheaval. Therein lies the danger.

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