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RE: The Legend of Teeterass: A Kid Story

in #writing6 years ago

I wouldn't trade all the crooked politicians in Washington for one Teeterass.

We learn lessons in life...sometimes late...sometimes early. The point is that we learn and become a better person to touch others in a gentler kinder way. I appreciate learning about your personal life as it make the people on this platform more real. Kind blessing my friend and hug Bruno for me. @richq11


Thank you my friend... It helps me too to think about how I was and how I've grown as a person. I'm not proud of it, but really nor am I ashamed. It's all just part of the growing process.

For reasons unknown our mind will occasionally carry us into our past; sometimes to past glory, occasionally to cringe-inducing recollections.

Meditations on the latter:
The earlier in your life that you learned those lessons without repeating that behavior, the better! At a relatively low cost, too - after all, you were a child.

Nature is clever to keep us small while we are learning. We can do far less damage that way.

Perhaps our subconscious inspires these memories to serve as wards against repeating these same patterns. Triggered by what...
Who knows?

That twang of guilt I re-live for a moment while in the memory serves me as a moment of gratitude. Oh, how grateful art thou that such pain is re-lived 30 years hence, and not that of pain and guilt so fresh a season has yet to set upon it.

Great story @richq11, your stories like these, related over a year ago, were some of the first things I really enjoyed here on Steemit.

Have a wonderful weekend brother. 🙂

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