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RE: I’ve Finally Completed My Latest Book!!!

in #writing6 years ago

I too have been mia from Steemit for a while but nothing as noble as writing a book! It was also good to see you back here with your delightfully witty repartee, and if your comments are anything to go by then I’m sure I’d love to read any of your books – unless they’re written by your very boring and sober (minus sangsom) alter ego, which I highly doubt, as you seem more than able to challenge the pesky surfacing of any such wimpy affront to your bodacious true self!

Yes, I’m sure the replaced by the egomaniacal, self-proclaimed no.1 world power .com will do the trick, without destruction of personality or property, as I currently use it for the other freebies I shamelessly consume without reviewing or buying the next book in the series.

(BTW what is a TV remote? I don’t watch TV and therefore am no longer familiar with the associated accessories, our lounge is strictly a children and dog zone and I try not look in that direction when passing by)

But, by all means, if you feel it might be of some benefit, go checking for possible broken links, (if you haven’t already done so) which you can then use as an excuse for breaking any current pending promises:

Landlord: “Have you paid your rent like you promised?”
You: “No, I was busy checking Amazon for broken links to my book.”

Nope, paper books are not my thing anymore, they make me sneeze, but I’m sure you could post out some autographed copies for sentimental value via amazon, although this probably requires a publisher – I do know of someone in the uk… who published a friend’s book, so could pass on the info if necessary.

Well my tangent has closely followed yours, I hope you noticed, and it’s been great fun! But to bring things to a close as soon as possible, I’ll see if this month’s budget allows for the purchase of one of your books and I’ll be sure to track you down electronically and share my absolutely honest opinion about it without resorting to any underhanded rick and morty impersonations.

P.S. I don’t think there’s a chance I’ll end up in Thailand anytime soon but interestingly enough I left my birth country for the first time a couple of months ago and travelled to Oxford for a family visit, which is almost the same as going to Thailand isn’t it? We stopped at Thaikhun for a quick drink and I had a Muay Thai Kick which is disaronno & mekhong thai whisky with lime, triple sec and pineapple juice, YUMMY!

P.P.S. if you ever consider a trip to South Africa, you could buy decent rum for a very similar price (about £8) including our very own local (kwazulu-natal) Zulu Rum…if it’s ever back in stock again. Most alcoholic beverages are moreish...😆


Oh I won't be here for long. Steemit has changed and is not the platform I signed up for anymore. I'll post once in a blue moon about my books and possibly blog posts from my original blog (as I guess there's no harm in posting it in here as well) but I'm not 'back for good' as 'Take That' might put it...

If you are after comedy, then I recommend 'Destiny'. (I've posted the .com link. Hopefully this one works...)

It's my least selling book, but still solid nonetheless. All the other books have an element of comedy in them, but that one is the only one that is specifically a comedy. I think that one is one of the freebies on Kindle Unlimited as well, although I'm not 100% sure

I did check the links, but it might be OK for me because of the country I'm in or the computer I'm buying it from. I've checked Google (Because you know, I'm high tech and shit...) and it says that some items on Amazon aren't available to buy in South Africa. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever sold a book in South Africa before, so that's a possible problem. Either way, thanks for the multiple excuses to throw at my landlord like custard pies. (Not chocolate cakes. That would be blasphemy...)

I would love it if you posted a review in character pretending to be either Rick or Morty! But if not, I'd be more than happy just to know that you enjoyed the book. I've had a few reviews that blew my mind, and that's why I write in the first place.

You went to Ingerland? I've never actually been to Oxford believe it or not so you've been to places in England I haven't! That drink sounds pretty nice, I might have to give it a try the next time I go back home.

I would like to go to Africa one day. My original plan was to travel all around Africa by land, but as I've gotten older the trip sounds less appealing. Maybe I'll visit a few random countries when I start making more money. But for now I need to get my head down and start saving, maybe saving to try that Zulu rum...

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