The Mystery of the Anagram🐦

in #writing7 years ago

If somehow by magic words have special meaning and significance and one of the mysterious properties of words is the anagram.

By rearranging the order of the letters of a word and getting a different word or phrase, usually by only using each letter only once, is what could be described as an Anagram. An example could be the word "Earth" by rearranging the letters you get the word "Heart" which seems to me that is exactly what our planet is in this galaxy. In other words our planet is the Heart Chakra of a larger galactic body.


Another example could be the word "Silent" which when you rearrange the you get the word "Listen" which is interesting because its use also is implied in its meaning.


In psychology your subconscious is said to be faster than the conscious mind and decodes the information that your cognitive system and all your sensory inputs pick up including light, sounds, smells and sensations. Now what happens when this decoding takes place is that a word like "Live" will be rearranged inside the mind in every way possibly. So using an anagram analogy of "Live" you get the word "Evil" and that's what your subconscious mind will "tag" or file . So you'll end up with both words inside your memory database by association, after your subconscious has decoded it in every-way conceivable before it is stored in memory. So in this way we are influenced by written language as some word actually act on our subconscious and could activate different states of your brain like Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and override your perception of your environment stimulus. Hopefully that makes sense - I've just taken a big jump in our understanding of how our subconscious works and gives credence to the powerful way words can effect human behaviours not least mentioning things like Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). So words are magic if you will.

So a fun and interesting resource I found is the Internet Anagram Server on and if you input your full name for example you may get some interesting results like I get "Absinthe Twit Only".


Anagrams have also been used as a type of encryption cipher to hide the meaning or to use a double meaning for example many notorious people have used pseudonym or pen names to hide their true identity and this became very popular during the Victorian era and some pen names once decoded become obvious like a fake name of "Tom Marvolo Riddle" becomes "I am Lord Voldemort". In fact there are some actual encryption ciphers like Transposition cipher or the Jumble algorithm.

I hoped you enjoyed some fun with words and next time you hear something from a MSM channel which sounds dodgy and keeps pushing some catch-phrase or pop culture mantra, or possibly hear about some suspect company like "Crisis Solutions" and you find results like "Solicit Sins Ours", you may be wondering if someone is taking you for a fool?

Heart is an Anagram for Earth , Silent to Listen Anagram pic ,
Anagram Video , Internet Anagram Server

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