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RE: I'm Bored

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

I had a question as to whether Marina was just reposting translated Movie reviews or not. So I became suspect and unfollowed her, perhaps unfairly.

Will follow the rest and see how they rate.

Wrt Zen, This is Water by David Foster Wallace is not about zen, but it's about thoughtful, perspective keeping existence. His nonfiction and fiction are from 2 different worlds and are great in different ways, but his writing across the board pushed me to approach life differently and more thoughtfully.

Specifically on Zen, Alan Watts The Way of Zen is solid and not weighed down by stuff he brought to other works of his.

But the real way of zen is internal. Coming to grips with one's own struggles and accepting them. That can be everything from "learn to smell the roses" level bullshit to "learn to love the rope" in the The Rolling Thunder sense of it to "Wherever I am, I have everything I need" koans.

And this is all highly applicable to riding the crypto rollercoaster in which 80% of the time or more one feels like an asshole for not having sold at the prior peak.


Funny, I had to think of David Foster Wallace, as Infinite Jest is one of few books that I couldn't get through. Perhaps I tried too hard ;>)

Have you guys read Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance? An awesome fiction book on Zen and I'm not even a motorcycle guy.

An other book that was one of the most inspiring reads every for me is 'Shantaram'.

Then there's a 1960s movie called A Touch of Zen

And a book on famous thinkers who all needed their daily walks called: Zen and the Art of Walking

All worth a watch or read

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