
in #writing6 years ago

When I took a look at the costs of what used to be a daily routine, I found that a pie already costs 350 and somewhere else 400 a coffee 700 and I asked myself, how do you do it when you get paid minimum wage? which is a million or 1000 if we take it to the new currency, that wouldn't even be enough for a single empanada with a small coffee, you would have to put in money, which is not logical, I don't understand how the government still says that nothing is happening, denying itself to the humanitarian channel and hiding what really happens in the hospitals and streets of the country, working all month is not enough for a single day's breakfast, how sad, without counting passage and other things and how do you live the other 29? It is absurd that everything exceeds the salary of a worker here in Venezuela, the eggs, the cheese, not to mention the meat and the chicken, a light bulb costs more than 5 million and they tell you that it comes more expensive, weekly prices change or I think daily.

Wao, money is worth less every day and it's unbearable, everyone talks but nothing happens, I don't understand how or what those 5 million smart people voted or why they are still living in Venezuela or with the bond, Now they are giving him 2.5 million, they are giving him 2.5 million, they are buying him a kilo of cheese with that, and even here, not even making 100 million does it affect the situation, a deodorant passes the million, the same toothpaste, the blue soap that would get you out of any trouble 800,000, an ATM machine gives you 5000,000 although it almost never has money you have to wait in line for more than an hour and the daily ticket is only 20,000, you would still need 15,000 to get to your house, I'm not with any party, I'm not a politician, I'm Venezuelan and the situation hurts me and my family, if I buy an ice cream tomorrow, maybe I won't eat, when it was possible to make everything here, beach, parks, cinema, even a donut of 350,000 pedestrians and in cash, now comes the tools and the uniform like a shoe doesn't fall below 18 million and not to mention the rest, you laugh so as not to cry.

There is no longer transportation, what there is is the banana seller's truck, the cava of the one that sold fish or the other one that transported cattle, these are the means of transportation that we have and I say it with base since I have to ride here in Charallave Edo Miranda, now even to buy drinking water there is cola, a madness, before it was food and bread but now even for water, or gas, every day thousands of Venezuelans leave without counting foreigners every day I ask to see them again, cousins, friends or acquaintances leave.

I pray to God that Venezuela will do the same as before, where you could go to the supermarket and buy whatever you wanted, to the pharmacy and get any medicine, you weren't afraid to get sick, people now die for lack of these, which they need to take for life, sometimes our old people get so depressed that they get sick for this reason, it was a country where you bought and nobody saw your bag, where your money had value, gave you even to eat every day in the street, there was no restriction or queues and the only line you had was for a Caracas-Magallanes game that is impossible to go, You couldn't see this hatred, everything is a fight if you see it if you touch it, if you lacked a little sugar, Rosa the neighbor would give you up to a kilo and the next day you would pay for it, the snack and the transportation of your children you could pay for it up front now or even for a day's snack, but here we are removing more things from the list, for example a sweet, a chocolate bread, that's not a first necessity and one of these days we'll erase even the cheese, despite what I tell you I try to laugh and be happy always try to look good and not panic.

I love you my dear Venezuela it hurts me to see you so you have seen all my family grow and with you until the end, one day nothing will change forever and you will be again one of the most visited countries in the world.>

Dear friend @duque, unfortunately, whether you like it or not, we are politicians, because that is what the Venezuelan lives on today. It is important to clarify for the English-speaking community that the figures used by my friend @duque in his presentation are represented in Sovereign Bolivars (Bs.S.) - the new currency cone that would come into effect on June 4 of the current year. To understand the magnitude of the situation, it is also important to indicate that the basic salary -which most of the workers in Venezuela-, does not exceed Bs.S. 3,000.00; consider that 15 eggs -half carton- costs Bs.S. 1,800.00, 1Kg. of meat, not less than Bs.S. 5,000.00, it is clear that to eat, miracles must be done. From the previous thesis, you can deduce the reasons for the dizzying growth of Venezuelan users on the steemit platform.

Venezuelans should adopt crypto in general for their day to day economy and abandon FIAT money, it has all the benefits of real money and none of the caveats of the hyperinflated Bolivar FIAT.
Los Venezolanos deberían adoptar las criptomonedas para su economía del día a día y abandonar completamente el dinero FIAT, tienen todos los beneficios del dinero real y ninguna de las desventajas del hiperinflacionado Bolivar(da igual cómo lo llamen o denominen).

El venezolano de a pie -la mayoría-, no tiene perspectivas futuristas, vive el día a día, es conformista –idiotitizado por el régimen-; hasta piensan que han sido "embrujados a través de los billetes circulantes". Quienes aún tienen conciencia, pues ahora son parte de esta plataforma -aunque por allí he encontrado uno que otro adepto al régimen-. Adoptar la criptomoneda es viable, pero el mismo régimen de encargaría del control de la misma -el venezolano de a pie seguiría siendo manipulado y dependiente-; esta es la razón por que no quiere dolarizar la moneda...

Las criptomonedas son incontrolables por el estado, al menos no por un "estadito" como el Venezolano, siempre que sean descentralizadas como el bitcoin o el bitcoin cash y muchas otras.

Well I almost forgot, everybody, not only Venezuelans, should adopt crypto, but your case is an extreme urgent one.

Casi lo olvido, todo el mundo, no sólo los Venezolanos, deberían adoptar las criptomonedas, pero en su caso es extremadamente urgente llevar a cabo esta transición.

El principal problema en Venezuela, es sin duda alguna, la mentalidad del venezolano –idiosincrasia-; aún se cree en los espejitos; y lo peor del caso, es cognitivo. El régimen está logrando su objetivo, alienta el orgullo del venezolano a creerse que estamos mejor que hace 20 años, ha sido tal la influencia en las escuelas, a través de los medios de comunicación –ya todos manipulados por el régimen-; que ya muchos se lo creen –no vivieron la Venezuela de opulencia-, y esa actitud se está volviendo hasta hereditaria –genética diría yo-. Ver los canales del estado, muestra cosas terribles de otras latitudes del mundo, pero de Venezuela, muestra paraísos –La Isla de la Fantasía-. Mientras, se espera na explosión social –no la estoy alentando-, algo ha de suceder para que se retomen las riendas…

No creo que la gente sea tan idiota para creer la propaganda, y menos en una situación de hiperinflación. Pero es muy posible que hagan como que se la creen para no tener problemas. Si la situación es como contáis en este artículo y en otros muchos que he visto, acabará explotando. De un modo u otro toda moneda FIAT tiende a su valor intrínseco que es cero y eso no lo evita ningún gobierno o estado por muy totalitario que sea. Sin dinero se vuelve al trueque y el trueque no da para mantener ninguna estructura de estado, por lo que acaba desmoronándose. Por lo que he visto ha habido grandes manifestaciones y quejas en Venezuela por lo que no todo el mundo traga con la situación actual.

Saludos mi Pana.

Hola amigo excelente post de la situación actual de nosotros los venezolano y me da tanta preocupación como ha reinado el conformismo entre mucho y la reacción es neutral,espero que pronto el bravo pueblo que el yugo lanzo reaccione y baje las cadenas que el yugo lanzo ,saludos

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