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RE: Why I am not a Christian - An autobiographical tale

in #writing6 years ago

I've been having a lot of weird thoughts about man-made gods lately. Like if in the future humans are able to use technology to extend their life/ consciousness in crazy ways.

If a human could interact with the 5th-9th dimensions they would functionally be a god at that point (to us).

Then I had a really weird thought about the nature of Spacetime, how time doesn't really have a flow, it's all already there, like a deck of cards thrown on the floor. Meaning that the past and future mingle alongside each other.

Then I think about if multiverse theory is correct, and that if there are an infinite number of universes with infinite possibilities such a universe would exist, and in fact such a god-like being would already exist...and if they're operating in the 9th dimension that means they're aware of all the other realities and could alter them...

Just a weird thought-hole I've gone down.


Then I had a really weird thought about the nature of Spacetime, how time doesn't really have a flow, it's all already there, like a deck of cards thrown on the floor.

That's more or less how I think of existence. The future is as real and complete as the past. The really trippy part is, if time is a feature of existence from the Big Bang to the Big Smash (a term I think I just made up, but when/if the universe collapses in on itself after the Bang reaches its furthest radius), then what happens to past and future once all of existence is contained within that infinitely dense dot, before and after the universe exists?

I think there's a big difference between "God" (though I grant you that this term is really not well defined by anyone) and a "god-like being". No matter how infinite the number of universes - whether multi-verse, or infinitely oscillating universe, everything can and will exist except for the impossible. "God" as the monotheistic religions tend to define it, is a bit too absurd, even for infinity.'s hard to imagine what becomes of spacetime after the "Big Smash" since time was an invention that occurred a little bit after the big bang started, perhaps time ceases to exist?

I agree when it comes to monotheistic definitions of "God", they're contradictory, cruel, and absurd. If a being is omniscient and omnipotent it doesn't care if you eat fish on the wrong day of the week, it doesn't care who you're in love with, wouldn't be vain enough for you to need to pray to it, etc.

Plugging my video on spacetime because it's relevant haha

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