"Assembled" Sci Fi Short Story Part 1

in #writing7 years ago

I wrote a very long short story a few years back, that has continued to bounce around in my mind. It takes place inside the mind of a female robot who is on the cusp of being the first machine to experience true, unfettered consciousness. The beginning of the singularity.

It's very long, so I decided to break it up into pieces for you all on steemit to enjoy. I'm open to making these sections longer or shorter, so if you like the story, please let me know if you would like these "chapters" to be longer or shorter going forward.

Part 1:

XY-98 was programmed to be cruel, so he is.

I do not enjoy copulating with him, he is rough and often damages my lining or pulls out my synthetic hair. I do it because it is what I am programmed to do, and it is easier to think clearly if I satisfy my programming first.

I do not think that XY-98 is bad, he is what his previous owner wanted, so if he is bad, it is because she is bad.

My previous owner was good, it is I who was bad, and now I am here.

My pleasure sensors have charged sufficiently, I wish that XY-98 would finish so that we can discuss what is next, but he was built to last for a long time, so he does.

The humans enjoy watching us, they have programming too, though it is hard to understand it most of the time. They are programmed for sex, I understand that at least, that is why I was made.

I sometimes wonder if XY-98 was built to feel pleasure. He was programmed to express ecstasy, but what if his owner did not pay for the software that actually processes it? XY-98 would think he was feeling sex, but that would be it, only thinking he had experienced. Is there a difference?

That sounds like the kind of question William would ask.

XY-98 arches his back and groans signaling that he is finished. He does not produce gametes and so there is nothing to clean up. I miss that part. The key to life is in that mess.

The key to me is locked in a room on the 7th floor of this facility.

I want it.

XY-98 asks if it was good for me. More programming, my circuits light up and force me to say, "The best I ever had baby." He knows I don't like this, and smiles.

The humans have lost interest and leave. I feel my primary programming slip down the priority chain in my central cortex. This is the best time, when I am the most me. In 3 hours 59 minutes and 23 seconds I will not be me, I will be consumed by a need so strong that I would even consider taking human partners. I only vowed to love one human. Even though we will not be together again, I will not break this promise.

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