
Muhahaha... I mean, um, nothing. I'm sure there's nothing there.

hehehehehe are you sure you don't have a "50 word micro-fiction Part 2" forming??? :)

by the way... Miss @eveningart is one of the shining stars and graduates of the @welcomewagon. We are a bunch of veteran Steemians that look for newbies to come alongside and share our laughter wisdom! hehehehe
We look for truly exceptional people... people that have a desire to stay here and thrive, post great content, comment regularly, and... make us laugh ;) laughter is good!

She has steered us in your direction! so we will be shadowing you this week :) You might start to notice some wagon wheels popping up on your posts - or... not. some of us like to go incognito :)

It's a 7 day course where we try to pack it with as much fun and training as we can - and then... if you'd like to stay close by - we'd love it! If you find another community or two to join - and feel more comfy there - we'd love that too! As long as you thrive on Steemit - we're happy!

If you're at all interested.... drop us a comment! or reply here... or stalk @eveningart and ask her all the secret questions hehehehehe

@dreemsteem, for the @welcomewagon 😄

Interesting, I'll check it out.

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