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RE: Frozen Body Heat - 5. Snow

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

That was one of the most beautiful and tragic stories I've ever read.
I absolutely love finding a talent like yours in this endlessly fascinating place. I picture all of the snow in your story, and somewhere in the middle of it is an opal with the colors of the rainbow, Glinting in the sun.

Hi Lena! I would love to say that I just happened upon this, but I actually just came from discord discourse where I almost felt like I'd stumbled into a private chat room. It was fun and yet strangely like spying to read you and SOS's back and forth, haha!
But now I'm glad I did, otherwise I might not have felt compelled to come here and I would have missed out on this :)

Oh, if you read this and decide to skip over to my page, which is not me telling you to do that, the thing I posted with the bees on the cover, blech. It's a non-fiction piece I wrote eons ago. I don't usually write non-fiction unless I'm blogging about a wine trail which I'm also about to do, haha!


Wow, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you found me!

I read the Exercise of Will and was surprised when you said (in the comments) you're not used to writing short fiction. It was so cute! You've got a knack for it. (I didn't read the non-fiction, as requested. Haha.)

I hope we get the chance to talk more!

I am too, brought together by the clayboy and SOS haha! Actually, I wrote my first short fiction series here...well I started it shortly before I came here and started out with it- The Playground Series-I'm currently putting it back through with some edits and added pictures. Mostly I'm a novelist who is now playing at photography and blogging :)
I have a difficult time with chat rooms, they get too confusing to follow, I imagine a bunch of people crowded in a small room all talking at once. Definitely prefer one on one conversations.

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