
in #writing7 years ago

When it comes to writing often people get discouraged and feel they are not good enough or that they are not writers. Writing is a skill that one can learn.

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As part of my 3rd semester of studies we have a horrible class called English. I hate English always have and probably always will, but alas I will need to grin and bear it for these next 3-4 long and painful months.

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As this course goes we have to do a lot of writing and, a word I consider a swear word, reading. Painfully and much to my despair week 2 of this course has me doing all the things I hated at school... Curse the person who decided that a language needs to get taught in so much depth.

I believe that they should bring out something similar to math, math-core/higher-math and math-lit/lower-math. Imagine this applied to English... I would be in heaven.

Well despite my tears and cries for mercy out of that dark abyss, I am actually looking, somewhat, forward to improving my writing skill. Thank goodness for grammar and spell check they will be my saving grease for the next few weeks to come.


"my saving grease" lol

hahaha see I am horrible at spelling :P but that was intentional so see who would actually pick it up

Haha, I feel a bit the same way - I don't like writing as much as I like reading though. We should separate it between read-english and write-english in schools. :D

They could probably even go as far as separating poetry, some of the poems they give us can be really crazy. I remember my one teacher explaining a poem to the class and I asked her was that poet on drugs when he wrote it? I will never forget how strange and warped that poem was.

Hahah! I asked the same question once in school when we had Philosophy! :D

Someone complaining about hard English and using the word abyss... :D

Try Terry Pratchett. He is not always easy but always funny.

hahaha yes the irony is that I hate it very much, but I know what is good for me and thus I have to learn and study English. I will try :D

I often have people ask me what the secret is to writing a lot--I'm on novel number ten now--and I tell them it's simple: put your butt in a chair and your fingers on the keyboard. Now type.

It doesn't have to be good. You can fix bad writing with editing. But no one can fix NO writing.

Keep it up. It gets easier. Not much, but some. It does help if you love it, I have to say, but it is, as you point out, something you can learn to love. If you're into the math thing, you might look at sentence diagramming, as it's a very mathematical approach to English sentence structure. I love it, myself. I think those diagrams are beautiful.

Hahahah I love they way you put it so simply "no one can fix No writing". Thank you for all your advice and I will definitely have a look at your sentence diagramming link

Good luck.. dragonslayer...

I agree with introducing sentence that you don`t have to be born to be able to have high quality writing. Like anything, you just have to love it and commit yourself enough, and you can become good writer. Vote up!

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