in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Susie, not believing her eyes, stared at the piece of paper she held in her hands.
"What happened?" Andrea asked, her best friend.
"Damn it, I can not believe it!" Exclaimed Suzie. "Another" deuce "! Yes, at the very end of the semester! If I get out of college on the first course, my parents will just kill me!"
"And what does Johnson say?"
"Ah, you know this slimy bastard." All he can do is stare at the girls in his lectures and say that he can give me some extra lessons if I want. "
"And what did you decide? Will you take these lessons?" Andrea asked.
"You're kidding, it would mean that I'll lose all the evenings until the end of the month!" Why the hell do I need this? "
Andrea thought for a moment, and an idea came to her mind. "Well, there is another way: Do you remember, I came to this leather skirt last week?"
"Well, yes, and even in a leather jacket, he could not tear your eyes off! I thought he would finish himself right in his pants when you passed him"
"It's for sure," continued Andrea, "we all noticed that he's sticking out great on the skin." That's what I came up with: if you come to one of these private lessons dressed in the skin from head to foot, and make the lesson more intimate, let's say So: I'm sure that you will be able to "persuade" him to skip the next year, and all these additional lessons will not be needed. "
"Well, how much" persuasive "should I be, in your opinion?" Susie was suspicious. It was generally fun with Andrea, but sometimes her jokes went too far.
"Well, I do not know," Andrea answered. "I think he'll be completely happy just by looking at you, maybe he'll want to touch you, but it's unlikely he'll go any further." Incidentally, teachers can be fired if they find him with a student. It all depends on how important it is for you Go to the next course: "She smiled slyly.

Susie thought for a bit and nodded.

"Well, then, okay, I'll try." The first class he set for tomorrow night, but I do not have anything leather, so it looks like I'll have to run around shopping:

The next day, Andrea was very pleased with herself. Suzy liked her sincerely, but sometimes she was too shy and conservative, and Andrea needed a girlfriend, shebutnaya, the same as herself. The idea was that Johnson should fuck Suzie properly, and then she would become just such a companion as Andrea needed. However, it was still necessary to make sure that Johnson actually wanted to fuck Suzie when she comes to his house tonight.


Andrea agreed to meet Johnson this afternoon, setting the time just before he had to go home. She selected the clothes for this appointment very carefully. All things, of course, were made of black leather. First - trousers. They stretched hard, because Andrea deliberately bought them a couple of sizes smaller, to sit like a poured. She pulled the trousers up hard, then again. On the third attempt they finally stretched to the end and, exhaling and drawing in her stomach, she managed to fasten them. Of course, she did not wear any linen - the pants so tightened her that the linen would be visible, in addition, she liked the feeling of touching the stretched skin to the vagina. Pants were so tight that at each step their skin rubbed against the clitoris, and this excited the girl more and more. Andrea wore a special bra - made of black leather, he did not hide anything, and even on the contrary - opened the look of her breasts, compressed and uplifted. Over the bra, she wore a fitted blouse with long sleeves, also of black leather, buttoning it only until the middle, so that the breasts protruded outward. The outfit ended with her favorite boots up to her knees and a black leather jacket of a man's cut. After a moment's thought, the girl added gloves, also of black leather, to them.
It was necessary to hurry, not to be late for a meeting with Johnson. When she entered his room and heard his breath catch, she immediately realized that she had achieved the desired effect.
"Something is wrong?" Andrea asked.
Johnson became completely red and swallowed convulsively.
"No: no, it's all right," he stuttered, still not believing his eyes. "So what did you want to discuss with me, Andrea?"
"Oh, it can wait," - replied the girl. "I'm sure that we can come up with a much more interesting way to spend time:" She held the tip of her tongue over her lips.
Johnson could not believe in the reality of what was happening.
Andrea decided not to waste time in vain. Dropping down on his knees in front of him, she unbuttoned his trousers, and the cock fell out.
"You really like girls in your skin, do not you?" She purred, swallowing her cock with one quick movement.
Johnson vividly remembered how Andrea was dressed last week - which is not surprising, since after that lecture he ran straight to his room and began to masturbate. God, the girl was so hot! He still could not forget how much he then finished thinking about her. And now she sucked his cock!
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Andrea mumbled, her mouth full with the hot, quivering Johnson member.
"Oh God, yes, come on, come on!" He breathed.

Andrea looked at his face and grinned, began to stroke his hands, tightened in leather gloves. "I can not believe it, God, you're so hot, God, my God:" Johnson moaned. Andrea grinned to herself and continued to lick and suck his cock. Suddenly, the man cried out: "Do not stop, I'll finish now! For God's sake, do not stop!"

Andrea took this as a signal - and quickly moved away from him. "What are you doing?" He exclaimed. The girl just grinned, got up from her knees and walked slowly, without even turning around.

Johnson again could not believe in what was happening and let out a long groan. He was already going to finish what he had started on his own, with his hand, just like last time - but his gaze fell on his watch. Heck! Tonight he promised to work extra with one girl, and was already late. Quickly putting himself in order - thrusting the erect penis back into his pants caused some problems - Johnson ran home.

Suzy spent a day in vain, having bought several pieces of elegant and evocative evening wear. The purchased dress was made of the softest black leather. It was tight, knee-length, its hem had a side cut, reaching almost to the gum stocking. The top of the dress was strapless, revealing the back, so low that her rather full breasts literally bulged outward. The girl wore black sandals on a 5-inch hairpin and black stockings with seams. The lipstick on her lips was bright red, like a signal of danger. The order was completed by a pair of black leather gloves up to the elbow and made of the same material neck scarf, which she bought, succumbed to the persuasion of the saleswoman. Brushing her hair up, Suzie wore a new raincoat over her dress, also made of black leather. He fastened only two buttons at the waist, so her breasts even more provocatively protruded outward, barely covered with a dress.

Suzie looked again at her reflection in the mirror and smiled to herself. "That should work," she thought. "He'll wet his pants as soon as he sees me like that."

To get to Johnson's house, she had to cross the campus. Going out for a walk in the evenings, Susie usually dressed in a rather conservative style, but, despite this, she often caught admiring glances. However, she did not expect to see such an expression on the faces of the guys, passing by now, knocking high heels. Usually they walked with Andrea, who always dressed to attract a man's attention. Andrea liked it, and she even cheered the guys, grinning with the look of "come and take" and vigorously wagging her hips. The guys screamed and whistled. Now, looking at Susie, they just numb, their jaws dropped and they could only mumble something like "Wow:".

"Hmm," Susie thought, "I think I look better in this form than I thought!"

Ten minutes later, her feet were already starting to ache from unusually high heels, but she had already reached the door of the house where Johnson lived and phoned. When he opened the door, his reaction was the same as the guys in the town. Having coped with himself, he invited her to come in, not believing to the end that for the second time in one day he is in the company of a gorgeous girl, dressed in leather.


Johnson led Susie into the living room. The girl was not surprised to see that his suit was also sewn from leather. She took off her cloak and sat down on the edge of the sofa. Johnson, not entirely trusting the situation, sat down on one of the chairs.
"So what would you like to do today?" - he asked. "What books did you bring with you?"
"Oh, I forgot them, Mr. Johnson," Suzie replied, looking at him with large, innocent eyes. "I thought it would be more useful to start by discussing my work." What, are my assessments really so low? "
"I'm afraid so," said Johnson, who was already beginning to guess in which direction the events are developing, but he was not yet completely certain of his own right.

Susie rose from the couch, and, walking to the fireplace, began to examine the picture that hung next to him. "I thought that if I could convince you to review my grades and see if they can be improved: I really really do not want to fly out of college:" - she turned around, leaning against the mantelpiece, taking a seductive pose and putting her breasts forward.

Now Johnson was confident of his luck. The girl was hot, and hot for him! But, remembering today's disappointment, he was cautious.

"Well, how could you persuade me to do this?" - he asked.

"Well, for example, so", - she said and went up to him. Remembering Andrea, on the way, she once again wagged her hips and held her hands over her body, still dressed in gloves. Reaching the chair on which Johnson sat, she sat on his knees, crossed her crossed legs through the arm of the chair, and put her arm around his neck.

"You like girls in your skin, do not you?" She breathed. It was not a question, it was rather an affirmation, for under it she felt quite clearly how his member was rising to a position of full combat readiness. She ran her lips over the tip of her tongue.

"Of course," he replied quickly.

"You can touch me if you want:" Susie whispered suddenly in a hushed voice.

Johnson, without further invitations, began to examine her body with her hands, caressing the skin in which she was dressed, wherever she could reach it. Particular attention he paid to her amazing breasts, as well as the hem of the dress. Suzie kissed him with wet, dark red lips, at first only touching them to his skin, then hugged him and kissed him deeper, playing his tongue in his mouth. Johnson took this as a sign of approval and moved on in his studies. With one hand he caressed her breasts, quickly releasing them from under the dress. He squeezed and stroked them, nipped her nipples, why Susie caught her breath, but she did not interrupt the kiss - did not want to. His other hand fumbled for a long cut of the skirt and penetrated beneath it, caressing the inside of the thighs and rising higher and higher. Suzie slightly spread her legs. The hand continued its way up until it reached her crotch. Johnson stroked her, stroking her most intimate parts with her fingers. Suddenly, one of his fingers was inside.

"Okay, this should be enough," Susie thought, and stopped the kiss. "Well," she said with a mischievous grin, "Will you change my marks?" She involuntarily caught her breath as Johnson inserted another finger into her vagina and began to move his hand back and forth.

"Oh no, darling, you can not get off so easily," Johnson said. "If you sincerely think that I will reconsider all your work, only playing with you a little, then you are very much mistaken." After today's disappointment with Andrea, he wanted more than anything in the world to come with Susie to the end - that is exactly what Andrea wanted.

"And what should I do?" She asked.
"I thought it was obvious," he replied, making it even more obvious, adding a third finger to those two who labored tirelessly between her legs.
"Do you mean:"
"Well, you have a choice." We can finish what we started, and I'll change your grades, or you'll fly out. "" What will you choose? "
While Suzie was thinking, Johnson suddenly bent down and grabbed one of her nipples with his mouth.
"Oooooooo," she groaned.

To tell the truth, she was already excited and in any case would not want to stop.

"All right," she said, "let's do it."
Johnson stopped. "Get up," he ordered.
She obeyed, wondering what he had planned to do with it.
"I'm going to fuck you like no one ever fucked you," he told her. "That you and I should remember this better, you must dress your cloak."

Suzie went to the hanger and took a raincoat. On the way back, she played a little with her breasts, feeling the nipples tighten under her fingers. She put on her cloak, and now, just as before, her breasts protruded, only now the dress did not hold them back. The girl returned to Johnson, who had already undressed.

"I like girls dressed in leather," he said, "and the more layers of skin they wear, the better." Now you will have the coolest sex in your life, baby! "

He led Suzie to the handle of the couch. "Sit down here," he said.

Suzie sat down.

"Lean back!"

She obeyed, and now her ass was lying on the handle of the sofa, her back was on the seat, and her legs were hanging down. The cloak of the cloak leaned back, revealing the dress.

Johnson stood between the girl's legs. His cock was so tense that it seemed that he was about to explode. He lifted her dress up and quickly entered the penis into the vagina.

"LTD!" Sucked Susie.

Johnson quickly and strongly moved the member.

"Oooo! Aaaa! Aaahhhh!"

He continued to fuck her, inserting a penis as much as he could. No one has ever fucked her like that before. It was awesome! If anything, Johnson did not fuck anyone himself. This evening, being influenced by the meeting with Andrea and the blatant sexuality of Susie, he just surpassed himself. Continuing rhythmically working member in the vagina, he leaned forward and grabbed her chest.
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"Come on, do not stop!" She cried. "Fuck me, dear, fuck me stronger !!!"

She almost sobbed, wriggling from the pleasure caused by the incessant movement of a member inside her. The girl's back arched in an arc on the eve of the approaching orgasm.

Johnson decided that it was time to change something. He pulled out a member and roughly turned Suzie. Clutching her cloak and pushing the floor of the dress, he was struck by the sight of her beautiful ass. With his fingers he pushed her anus and, after massaging it, widened it so that a member could be inserted there. This required some effort, but in the end he penetrated deep into the distance and again began methodical movements, strong and deep. God, her ass was so tight!

Ass Susie has never taken a member. The girl could not believe what was happening, all she knew was that she wanted more and more, I wanted him to never stop. When a member entered it, it seemed to her that her anus is burning with fire, but it soon passed, and there was only an indescribable feeling - she was SOAK well! Susie knew that this was the greatest sex of her life, and wanted more.

"Oh yeah, fuck me in the ass, fuck it deeper, fuck it harder, yeah: yeah: DAAA !!!!"

She finished, trembling and wriggling all over, shouting loudly. Johnson pulled a penis out of her ass and brought him back into the vagina, continuing to hammer it like a hammer. She finished again - and again - and again. She was exhausted and happy. She had never experienced such an orgasm.

Johnson drew his cock and moved away from her, often trembling. "My turn!" - he said. "Come here and kneel before me!"

Suzie slid off the couch and walked over to him. The holiday for Johnson was over, he fucked like never before in his life, and now this adorable, skin-dressed girl was kneeling before him, ready to absorb his sperm.

It did not take long. The first stream sprinkled right on her face and her hair, followed by a second one. Then he sent the stream a little lower and began to water the sperm with her leather cloak, throwing a jet at him behind the jet. Suzie could not believe this, she had never seen anyone spit out that much sperm.

Finally, the flow dried up. Suzie was covered in sperm - hair, face, cloak and dress, sperm was everywhere.

"Wait here," ordered Johnson.

He returned a minute later, handing her some paper. I thought about giving her at least some order, but remembering Andrea, I did not do it.

"I'll see you," he told her. Suzy was so dumbfounded by what happened that she completely forgot about how she looks.

Andrea woke with a knock at the door. She pulled on her robe and hurried to open it. For some time she could not understand who was standing before her. It was Susie, all covered with Johnson's sperm. Andrea was speechless, but Suzie grinned and handed her a piece of paper from Johnson.

"I've passed!"

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