The Benefits In Getting Better At What You Love In Life

in #writing8 years ago

There are a number of reasons why you might want to spend some time and effort on trying to get better at what it is that you love. But one of the most pressing reasons to go about doing this is, and starting as early on in life as you can, is so that you can perfect skills in an area that you are intrinsically interested in.

Why would you want to do this?

Well, when you spend time perfecting a skill, then your investment in developing that skill might eventually bring about the scenario where you can then provide that skill to others, and that is how you can go about trying to get a “job you love” and doing something that you truly enjoy in life.

Taking the time to invest in developing a skill in an area that you might greatly be interested in is also a very quick way to find out whether or not that is something that you want to continue pursuing. If not, then you are only a decision away from dropping that interest and moving on to a number of others.

Many students will quite often wait until the very end of their educational experiences before they will ever step foot out into the real world and experience the industry or skill that they think they want to spend the rest of their life involved with.

But why wait? There are many ways to get stated early on in trying to learn more about what you might be interested. And trying to dabble with a number of things early in life, exposing yourself to as many options and new things as you can, will help you learn sooner what it is that you like and what you don't like. Some people will spend many years and thousands of dollars in school only to later find out that they weren't all that interested in what they were going to school to do.

And there are other benefits to investing in developing those skills doing what you love as well, such as the enjoyment and fulfillment that those activities will bring you.

Spending time doing what you love can help you to enjoy your life and get more from your journey.

Taking the time to invest in what you are truly interested in is a quick way to try and optimize your life and get the most out of it that you can. It helps you enjoy your time, and when you are intrinsically passionate about what you are doing then it is likely that you are going to be getting more out of the task and yielding quality works.



Nice post!
It's great to know what you like, be able to do what you like, and it's even more fun when you're good at it.
Just something that came to mind: it's also good to take into account where you want do what you love. I still love ICT and electronics, but 20 years of working for big multinationals and their management almost made me want to give up that line of work.

Great post. I had a maths teacher in school who loved every minute of his work.

A classmate turned to me, in his class, one day and said "find a job you love and you never have to work a day in your life"
That quote has stayed with me, I am still searching.

the real challenge is that:

  1. you have to come across what you like very early
  2. decisions you take very early in your life, without the good and bad weight of experience, might not be enlightened.

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