Why I Don't Care About the Ending for GOT

in #writing5 years ago

Why I Don't Care About the Ending for GOT

RIP what could have been the best show on television. Ever.


Because bad writing. Plain and simple.

Enough has been said about the many glaring plot holes in this season, and you can find out the particulars of them over at /r/freefolk (along with the best memes available). The plot holes are as horrific and immense as that satellite image of the black hole that recently made rounds on the internet. And just as blurry as that image is the character arcs we see coming to an end.

I didn’t know about the books when I first began watching this show. But when I discovered them, I immediately devoured them. Through piracy, of course. Sorry, not sorry. GRRM has enough money to fund a nation state. What hooked me was the development of story, the immensity of the world. How even smallest of characters felt alive and engaging. How every corner of the world of Ice and Fire had a history to it, generations of it. And the show began with that same feeling.

By the time we found out the show was lacking Lady Stoneheart, I was annoyed. But then came the utter dumpster fire that was the Dornish plot. Maybe the most interesting place Westeros, Dorne has a unique culture and people and complex political relationships and history. They are their own players and all the stories we read from this place are full of danger and conspiracy and you just KNOW that shit is going to get real. And it does.

Then we get the show version and it was clear that the writers for the show, Dumb and Dumber, either didn’t comprehend the plot, or just didn’t care. For them, it was just another way to make ‘shocking’ scenes.

So instead of engaging characters, we get this joke version of the Sand Sisters. And then Jaimie and Bronn go to Dorne? It’s completely absurd.

Then we get Fast Travel, as suddenly characters can move around the globe in half an episode. Then we get Euron, who is an absolute bastardization of the book character. A B-movie pirate finger-in-the-bum knockoff of a wannabe sadistic Jack Sparrow. There’s more. But I’ll move on to Season 8.

The Long Night was wasted. The plot lines make no sense. The character arcs are all crossed or nonsensical. The story is missing, the dialog is neutered. The character actions drag the story along (instead of propelling it). The logic of the whole thing is just…off.

And then Danny is supposed to be the mad queen?

I’ve watched this show multiple times now. If they wanted a mad queen, they should have actually SHOWN it.

And that’s just it. D&D’s writing has been so amateur here. Instead of showing, they are telling. It’s a basic rule of writing. Show, don’t tell. Yes, you can tell. But it should be show, because that’s the difference between a story and a description or screen play.

Instead of showing that Danny has been potentially ‘mad’ this whole time, they tell us. Through some offhand remark by Varys of “oh, when the Targs are born into the world, hurr durr, it’s a cointoss of the Gods.”

Nothing about episode 6 made sense. (Or episode 5).

So at this point, I just want it to end. I just want to see it end and hope that at the episode’s close, we get a release date for the Winds of Winter. Because I’m going back to the refuge of the books, written by an actual genius, instead of these two-bit hacks who don’t even give a shit about the story their telling because their pockets are full of cash and they want to move on to Starwars.


It’s long known that once you read a book you’ll always be disappointed in the screening of the story. The silver screen and paper pages have different rules and different audiences. Films are lazy versions of true stories. The only way to enjoy both is to consider them to be different stories. With GoT that is very much the case, the differences in the storyline make it into two different stories in a similar universe. I made my peace with it but I’ve got to agree with the sentiment that season 8 is lacking the same oomph what got the show going. Now we're just watching it because of inertia. I too shall be waiting for the book to see what it should've been.

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i accept its different. the main issue is that the writing is amazing in the books, and the writing is lazy and plain bad for the show

Absolutely agree. When it comes to writing, collaboration is not the way forward. Best stories are always from one quill only.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your Mistake!

You read the books and liked them before the show finishes- The imagery and the brutal focus is AMAZING- Many people can't say this ( Not even from the cast and the crew). The show is aimed at a much larger audience used to looking at not so intelligent shows with simpler plots than those that include whole continents.

Cheer Up! & Keep Steemin!!

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