The Codex X

in #writing7 years ago (edited)



The Collective-Human Organism

One of the most complex associations that can be identified with is the individual's place within the collective body of humanity. It seems as if we are small and insignificant in the scheme of things. Our individuality makes it hard for us to see past the identity of self to see how the "collective-human organism" encompasses all 7.5 billion of us, and we are the moving parts within that bodily structure. History shows us that individual people can come along, once in a while, that move a mindset within the organism which inadvertently, moves the organism in a new direction. These individuals change the observational point about a social injustice or a held mindset, which gives a newfound approach to how to extinguish whatever has been identified as a restrictive element within that dynamic.

But, how do we, individually, fit into that mechanism? I like to imagine it like this... If you can visualize a pool of water, first. Now, visualize a pebble being thrown into that pool. Do you see the ripples that pebble made? Now, imagine that instead of one pebble, you threw a pebble for every person who is alive today. Roughly seven and a half-billion pebbles. Do you see the size of the pool that is needed? Each of those pebbles is a person who interacts with the rest of the pebbles by way of those ripples and waves. The pool is the collective-human organism for which we are all moving parts for. Some of us make bigger waves than others, yet we all contribute to the higher identity of that of the collective-human organism.

There is a shared identity that conforms to us all. These norms cross all societal and cultural lines and are values that we are pulling from a shared consciousness that is available to all of us by way of our abstract thought processes. Everything that the organism has experienced is held there in a collective body of memory. This is, of course, my take on the uncanny ability for one human to ingest and experience a totally unique set of events to land at a new mindset, only to find that many of their ideas are not new, but a collection of previously unknown works by a group of unknown contributors. I have seen this scenario play out over and over again in life. I believe there is a shared consciousness that each of us are connected to, and through practice, we can all pull information from on an unlimited range of topics. It is all there, and at your disposal.

The key is identity. Identity is the key to this existence. It drives all decision-making. One would react to a threat, if they identified as an individual, differently than they would if they identified as a human. You see, the collective-human perspective means that we are all one organism, so even a serious threat of life or death would still mean that the organism would live on. I believe that even through death, we live on within this conscious-field that exists at the level of the collective-human organism.


This is a writing segment for The Codex Primum. These writings are created on this platform and I intend on publishing the finished product somewhere in the future. I am a writer by trade, but these beliefs are where I have found myself. I hope you enjoyed the mental exercise this hopefully evoked, and hopefully this provoked a new train of thought, if even for just a moment. Look for more to come in the following days, and follow me. I want to share this journey with whoever is willing to listen...



artwork is incredible(first image)

I upvoted this article and started to follow you :))))

post was resteemed by @wayforhappiness !

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