
Thank you for reading!

This is a long, continuing story... to keep you from having to read back a long way, Captain Hamilton is a character I introduced to the world as part of these five-minute freewrites, and his cousin Captain Lee showed up in the extended tale Black, White, and RED All Over that I did in response to an award I received from the @freewritehouse. That one will soon be a published book, but, so you don't have to wait, here are parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, epilogue 1, and epilogue 2! I have kept going with the two captains and the aftermath -- in parts 2 and 11 in particular, you will read how Captains Hamilton and Lee have made enemies of their colleagues, and part 12 will give you the full why!

I have kept going with the aftermath of what in that HUGE story is called the Gilligan House Burning for both captains, sometimes focusing on one of the other of the two captains, while preparing two further longer tales for later publication here (after which my freewrites will start to wander in topic again)! If you wish, I can tag you so you can keep up!

It will take me a while to read the back story. I can keep reading on here. Thank you for your help :)

You're welcome!

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