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RE: Day 752: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: helmet (and, The Posture of Innocence, day 21)

in #writing5 years ago

Happy writing day to you too, and yes, Commissioner Scott is honest. He better be! I had to create a commissioner who could survive Captain Lee, and dishonesty wasn't a survivable character trait! More seriously: Commissioner Scott represents a certain type of older person who has prejudices, but is not blind about those prejudices, and can make progress when he or she realizes the need to do so -- they are rare, and are rarely given public voice, but, people do change even at older ages.


@deeanndmathews I love these character, they say what they think or stand for. 👍🏻 Happy Saturday.💕

Yeah, life is too short to try to write shifty good guys...

@deeanndmathews plus they are boring and seldom have a strong will and personality.

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