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RE: [Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 20

in #writing7 years ago

Man, I remember the good old days when I thought part 7-8 of your stories was a long story and loved it, lol. I've been really happy to see how much longer your more recent stories have been, man.

Also, god damn your payouts the past few days have been fucking awesome. Really glad to see that :D


Tbh I want your success more than I want mine, given your medical problems.

Ah, appreciate the sentiment man. Who knows if I'll ever really find it on here, just gonna keep trying my best to put out good content and hope that eventually I'll start doing better. Though I'd just be happy if I could get my damn mouth/heart issues solved. The 2 procedures I've done over the last 2 months have proved fairly useless. Shit is just annoying.

But, definitely keep focusing on your success, man. No reason to worry about little old me. You've been one of the most supportive, cool and entertaining people I've met on the site and I hope that you feel the same about me, bud.

You're already doing much better than average. I was where you are now for a long ass time.

Well, shit. Thanks for saying that, man. I try to believe I am, it's just hard to keep doing that though after awhile. Payouts haven't really increased much over the past year, my follower count is fairly slow even though I post daily, and I probably only get to interact with a handful of people on here. Shit just kinda gets to you after awhile where you're unsure if you're actually making progress or not.

That was me last Winter. It was dire. But I climbed out of it little by little. Your content is good, so you will too. You just gotta have patience through those lean times.

I'm sure you're right man, and I am trying my best to just persevere through it all. Appreciate you helping to make me feel better about it all, bud :)

I think part of the reason I'm feeling so meh right now about it is because I'm nervous as fuck and the stress of the holidays is hitting me. I'm sure I'll be back to feeling normal (Well, what I call normal) soon.

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