Unless you’re Stephen King - “Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here — Unless you’re Stephen King.”

in #writing6 years ago


I have read my share of books on writing, not because I am looking for the best possible way to write, but because I am generally interested in learning the authors views on how they define their writing process.

Some are insightful, others…. Not so much. Some push for outlining, other claim the organic route (I despise the term pansting) is the best or only way to go.

These books contain a wide range of advice ranging from how to brain storm to developing characters, to a check list of do this, don’t do that . Some are written with a strict tone and others a friendly conversation— Still they share a common theme.

Unless you’re Stephen King….

I swear I have come across this phrase or something similar in most of the writing books and blogs I have read.

If, as Stephen King suggests, the road to hell is paved with adverbs, then the inscription at the entrance to hell might read “Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here — Unless you’re Steven King.”

As far as I can tell the phrase is meant as a warning to inexperienced writers to follow the well worn path of traditional story telling tactics and avoid venturing out on your own. Because only world class type authors can pull off something so bold as to go against the literary grain.

I wonder what Stephen King would say about that? or Neil Gaiman or Steven Pressfield or (Add your favorite authors name here)

Follow the well worn path? That’s no way to forge your writers voice. Sure, some of these “rules” do serve a good purpose and are helpful but I think it belittles the emerging writers imagination and enthusiasm and voice to put them in a locked box before the even have the chance to experiment and explore on their own.

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