in #writing7 years ago

I've met,seen,and noticed people suffering from self-pity as result of low self esteem. As a matter of fact, I've been a victim too!

What is Low self-esteem?
This is the direct opposite of a high self-esteem. I define it as a state of self-degradation in quality,beliefs and ideas,which short-lives a better definition of one's being.
A low self esteem will make you vulnerable to all pessimistic thoughts,conclusions, as much as it could,about your existence and functionality.

What then are the strong roots of this mind-stricking tree?

'Different strokes for different folks' they say,so are different roots for different trees.
A sudden awakening to a low self-esteem from a person to the other actually varies.

Firstly, there are people nuturing this self pity,because they haven't been 'licensed' to have a good self-discovery. If at all they discover themselves,it would be a shallow,forceful discovery.They therefore have just an appendage of their whole uniques selves, putting to sleep the bountiful remnants.
Some however discover themselves too,but oh no,it has never been a positive discovery! They discover ONLY their weaknesses and do NOT even belief they could achieve anything substantial,even the commonest of achievement.
By so doing, they dine and wine,live each day with a poor mind concept.


For some group of people,theirs is the root of SITUATIONAL CONCLUSION.
Life is sure,full of ups and downs.Yea,no one doubts that. It however gets freakish when we lay forever at the Up hills,with no thought of the downs.
Let me break that.
Some of us are totally reliant on our present situations.
You fed on cookies and creams(Not body lotions o) yesterday(In the past),those days were so lovely that you never thought for once what gifts tomorrow(i.e today) will offer.You of course in that state,were some person of a high self-esteem;things were rosy. Today has dawned on you with realities however,you feed on crummy meals,not crunchies any more. Like your usual way of thinking,you have a bleak sight of things getting better.So you live in total subjection to present conditions,feeling despicable and downthrodden.

How to tackle this?
You lived in constant thoughts. So,branch-up your thoughts,feelings and ideas.
Build a strong and high self-esteem(Already taught how to.) so you'd stand tall and value your qualities during good and bad times.


The third root of a low self worth is IRRELEVANT COMPETITION.
Now, competing with someone of your calibre for the #right reasons in the right way is lovely. It is a healthy competition.
I would be fobbing you off,if I attest that your strifing to be like lady XYZ,losing sight of your own personality is right.
A lot of people want to, they even live,talk,dress like one celebrity or the other;the more reason why craziness has abound in this generation. It hurts to see a larger percentage of people struggling to live up to someone else's personalty.Thats a loser's thoughts!
Youngsters want to live like Kanye,dress like Rihanna, live like Kim or view life as their most cherished celebrities do, not considering if ideas are rightly or wrongly perceived.


@Davapel this is true, I once suffered it.

This is life and reality, it happens to every individuals

This is something I am currently battling

There are lot of ways you can overcome this. I might write an article as regards the solution or how to curb it.

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