☠ BLOOD ☠ | "The Crow". [Stories of Elder KHA]

in #writing6 years ago

The full moon radiated its favorite light, that light that indicated the beginning of a night full of blood, that blood that would be ink on the canvas.

There he was "The Crow" following his modus operandi, hidden, silent and with the desire to kill, watching his next victim that would be a sad soul that would be dismissed that night from the light of life .

Surely you will ask:

-Why they called him "The Crow"?

The answer is simple, remember this saying:

-"Raise crows and they'll take your eyes out."

I know you were shocked, but I must continue the story, just relax and keep reading.

Without further delay, "The Crow" attacked without failing, never made a mistake by sticking the dagger into the eyes of his victim, then, without mercy, without remorse, without the presence of benevolence some, made a cut in the jugular and took that spilled blood that he would use as ink to express his relief.

It was impossible to catch the "Crow", many attempts failed, no one could find the reason why they never captured it, it always escaped as if it were smoke, maybe it was able to control the dimension space-time, maybe it had powers, maybe it was immortal, nobody could answer concretely, the only thing that is known is that even though it has been searched, it has never been found.

I have good news, I will give you the privilege of knowing him, you know that I am kind to you, just go to sleep, when the moon shines with greater intensity, there will appear the "Crow" willing to stick his dagger in your eyes and then take your blood to vent in a painting on the canvas.


Created by ijeab - www.freepik.es

If you want to know more about me, join the @darkfly21 and follow me, let me know with a like and a comment your wishes to continue reading the Elder KHA, get my curse.

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