Back 2 Basics (XI) Room with Review!

in #writing8 years ago


End of the Section Review

When there has been alot of material covered in any of the classes I have taken the textbook usually had a review section. This was helpful for two purposes: It gave the student an opportunity to address the areas that gave them trouble and it opened up questions to ask the instructor so that it was more apparent the student's level of understanding. So here we go with a review of the last 10 articles to see how they all flow together.

Just Doing My Sting

Have you ever felt like that; that you are working towards improving yourself to have some deep feeling surface that sidetracks everything? These feelings sabotage almost all attempts at self improvement. Some people think that they are victims of instinct much like the scorpion but that is not true. This I believe is a core problem with psychology today, for it takes all accountability and power away from the individual. It makes the person a victim with only hopes of overcoming the feeling instead of neutralizing it.

This article was to introduce the misconception that we are victims of our current situation because the feelings behind our actions feel like instinct.

The Root Shall Set you Free

One of the greatest advantages of being a human being is the elevation from being instinct driven to being driven by emotions and thoughts. Now that I have said that I may have to recant the word greatest for humans are a mess. The harmony that works within the ecosystems does not exist in our human realm. My hypothesis is that what has elevated us has also crippled us. Our inability to process our emotions and thoughts in a positive way have produced weeds in the garden of our mind.

As human beings we have bragged that with our opposable thumbs we have somehow become masters of the earth. This article simply states that we have failed as an evolved species to handle positively what elevated us: our thoughts and emotions.

In the beginning was the weed

This transitional time in our history is responsible for the four weeds whether you are of genesis-based or evolutionary-based belief. Either way, humans handled the introductions to emotions with great difficulty. Both approaches provided ample opportunity for confusion and chaos and the perfect breeding ground for the weeds. This is the beginning of our genetic history and these weeds filter down through the generations to plague us today.

God, Jehovah, Buddha, Goddess, Darwin or all that is. Call your higher power whatever you want but the source of all problems unites us all.

Four Score and what lies below

  • UNLOVED Emotions. This is the belief based on our emotional value with other people. Do they accept us for who we really are? People value their degree of being loved based on how others view their physical and emotional makeup.

  • UNWANTED. Social Interaction. What does the word alone generate within your soul? Who wants us around? This belief centers on the feeling of not belonging and people not wanting us around.

  • NOT WORTHY. Consideration. Where has common courtesy and integrity gone? This belief centers on the concept that value is in the amount of consideration or mental investment shown.

  • NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Appreciation. This belief centers on the recognition and appreciation for actions and deeds or kinetic connection. These people are in a constant fight with imaginary standards of not measuring up and live in an environment of judgement, criticism and not getting anything right.

Here the four "weeds" or core beliefs are introduced.

Fresh or Frozen?

Children learn what they live and you would think that all children would be mini versions of their parents; that isn't the case. Often a parent is plagued by a different core belief than their child.

While we live our thoughts and corresponding emotions affect every cell in our body. These thoughts are stored in our DNA and are passed down from generation to generation. So when the time comes to evaluate the feelings of displeasure as a child we have all four core beliefs to choose from. This explains how even twins, who experience the same traumatic event, can adopt different core beliefs.

Everybody loves to have a choice. This article explains that genetics plays an important part in our core belief choice. We can either choose to live what we learn or to reach into our ancestry and make our choice our own.

Download Much

Have you ever felt a fear that you don't know the source of?

The realization that this was only a download and not my experience only occurred very recently. I centered myself and when the theory of the download entered my mind all I could feel was relief and freedom. For if this wasn't my experience then why would I allow myself to suffer so?

There is a difference between a core belief and a download of fear from our family tree. This post is a personal account of a download that was passed down in our family.

How are my observation skills and my reality connected?



Startling isn't it? Look at the amount of the big picture we actual discard and not keep to be part of our reality! This illustration blew my mind. You mean to tell me what comprises my current reality is only 0.0005% of the big picture? As that started to sink in it brought to mind an even more disturbing set of questions:

Why filter did I use to pick those 2000 bits?
What information am I missing?
Can I change them?
What would I like my reality to look like?

Dr. Joseph Dispenza, D.C summed it up with his quote: "The brain process 4 billion bits of information a SECOND and we are only aware of 2000 of those." The article posed the question of how can we be so sure that we are seeing the big picture when we only see a fraction of what's out there?

Brain .... Start my reality program

There are four main programs that the holodeck of our mind plays and those are directly linked to what our core beliefs are. For a refresher I will list them here:

Not good enough.

How does it work? When the decision is made on which belief your core issue is going to be you ask the hologram to produce a life based on that belief. All the characters, scenarios and plot are designed to fulfill the program so that you are dealing with that belief on a constant basis.

Everything has a beginning and this article introduced the concept that we are the generators of our reality.

Are you picking up what I'm putting out?

This is a very powerful transmission because unbeknownst to you most of your decisions are based on this belief; it's your go-to avoidance strategy and the basis for most of your fears. So each time you send out this frequencies people with likewise frequencies answer the call; like attracts like. Now this is the tricky part for they may not look like they have the same issue. You will draw countless people who all have the same issue just manifesting it differently.

Are we just victims of the situations to us or are we the common denominator. The concept that our brain is a receiver and a transmitter of frequencies leads us to believe that nothing happens by accident.

Director's Cut - Movie of Our Life

Not only do we live the film of our life but that is the only movie we get to see! It's not until that core belief is addressed and dealt with can we be open to seeing new paradigms. Otherwise we are simply a hamster on the wheel in our cage desperately trying to get somewhere but getting nowhere.

A further explanation on how we are the orchestrators of our life and why we have comedic, dramatic and action orientated experiences.

It is our hope that this review helps to provide the flow of information from the first section in a concise format. Onward to the next chapter!

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