Back 2 Basics (IX) Are you picking up what I'm putting out?

in #writing8 years ago (edited)



Okay, how many of you readers out there know what a landline is? I may be dating myself here. There was a quiz on Facebook that asked people to post items that our current young generation have no experience with. Out came the old favorites like 8 track tapes and drive in movies but one person made a good point by saying landlines and payphones. At one time our only access to the phone was at home, a business or the use of the public payphone. Another frustration is that we could only maneuver while talking to the phone the distance the phone cord allowed because the phone was attached to the wall. Don't get me started on the detangling of the phone cord; history has a way of repeating itself because we are now cursed with those bloody earphones that are a bugger to untangle. We were freed from this paradigm by the invention of the cordless phone which used radio frequencies to transmit. Little did they know that they would be slowly eliminated by that breakthrough technology for the mobile phone was just around the corner.


So why all this talk about cell phones? Quite simple for I wanted you to see a tangible example of what I am about to share with you. Cell phones work on the premise of two components: a radio transmitter and a radio receiver. "When you chat with your friend on your cell phone, your phone converts your voice into an electrical signal, which is then transmitted via radio waves to the nearest cell tower. The network of cell towers then relays the radio wave to your friend’s cell phone, which converts it to an electrical signal and then back to sound again. In the basic form, a cell phone works just like a walkie-talkie". - See more of the article here What's fascinating is that cell phones are not the only transmitter/receiver combo that you carry around with you all the time.


Personal Transmitter

So here is the basis for the Law of Attraction! According to Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison our brain works in exactly the same fashion as a cell phone for we are generators of high powered frequencies that send out and receive. Frequencies are so small they can pass through time and matter. An example of this is talking on your cell phone and you can continue talking as you walk through different rooms in your house. The brain is wired a little differently for it doesn't use radio frequencies as our mode of transmission . Instead it is believed that our thoughts carry a frequency all their own. I found an excellent article by lapensinmutine that does an amazing job of explaining the scientific premise behind the theory in a short, concise and understandable format. It is a synopsis of the material I heard on the CD set by Kevin Trudeau called Your Wish is Your Command regarding this subject. This presentation is the best representation of the subject for it answers so many questions that were left out in previous Law of Attraction materials.


Answering the call

So what is the big deal about our brain being a transmitter/receiver of frequency anyways? Picture in your mind how a transmitter and receiver would work in regards to thoughts. If a thought had a frequency of ABC then it would send out the frequency until it found it's receiver. That receiver must have the same thought pattern to receive the ABC frequency; otherwise the signal would not be accepted. A simple version iof this s two CB radios in semi trucks on the highway. Both trucks have to be on the same channel in order for the transmission to be received. So in essence the transmitter and receiver have a certain pull between them for they are seeking each other out. Now this is where the belief profiles come into play. Say you have the core belief that you are unloved then you send out the frequencies based on those thoughts. This is a very powerful transmission because unbeknownst to you most of your decisions are based on this belief; it's your go-to avoidance strategy and the basis for most of your fears. So each time you send out this frequencies people with likewise frequencies answer the call; like attracts like. Now this is the tricky part for they may not look like they have the same issue. You will draw countless people who all have the same issue just manifesting it differently.

Let me show you this is a practical example and we'll use the belief that someone is unloved.

That person will draw people who"

  • SEEK love for they can't stand the feeling of being unloved
  1. Are extremely needy in relationships for they are consumed with being unloved.
  2. Are constantly in relationships for they don't want to ever feel alone and unloved.
  3. Completely compromise who they are to ensure because that's what they think love requires and couldn't stand being rejected and unloved.
  4. Allow themselves to be abused for the small modicum of love they receive is better than feeling unloved.
  • REPEL love for they won't allow themselves to feel love for then they have to admit they were unloved.
  1. Can't say the words I love you for they don't know what love is and haven't felt loved.
  2. Afraid of commitment for loving someone feels like a trap and they won't be controlled by love.
  3. Play with others emotions and use love as a weapon

Can you see how we can have an entire cast of characters in our life answering the call to your core belief? The same type of scenario is with all four of the core beliefs. That is why it is impossible to cut out the negative people in our life for the origin of their presence is in our thoughts. They are simply answering our call.

This is a bit of a sobering place to leave this post but we will discuss more in depth this new paradigm of transmission and frequency and how that is related to manifestation in tomorrow's post.

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