Was Thanos The Protagonist? (MAJOR SPOILERS Character Analysis and Hidden Message)

in #writing6 years ago

For several movies, we've seen the mighty Thanos appear in the background of Marvel movies. His very first appearance was at the end of the first Avengers movie. Again in Guardians of the Galaxy where we find out how cruel he is through his daughters, Nebula and Gemora. In the comics, Thanos is known as the Mad Titan and his love for death and his mercilessness show no limits, so why is it any different in the movie? For about 18 installments of these Marvel movies, we've followed the Avengers and grown to love them, but if you look at the majority of the reviews or even went to see it in theaters, many people weren't upset with the way the movie ended, or even that Thanos won.


Maybe if I explain a little more you'll come to see why Thanos was actually made the main character for this movie and how he was the protagonist rather than the villain. We, of course, open up where Thor Ragnarok left off; Thanos has found the Asgard ship along with the stone that is on it, what happens before the events of the movie is unknown but there was a huge battle that left all but Heimdall, Loki, and Thor dead. The first to die is Heimdall for no real reason other than sending the Hulk to Earth. But outside of him, the following kills are only in self-defense. Loki is the next who tried to trick Thanos and attacked him, Thanos used him as an example to Thor, killing him and taking the Infinity Stone before leaving.


As the movie continues on, we come to learn of Gamora's past and how Thanos killed half of the population on her homeworld, taking her as his daughter. What seems to be a terrible act later becomes a huge plot point later on. Next time we see him is against the Guardians on Knowhere where through the battle, Thanos doesn't kill anyone who is coming up against him surprisingly. The next person Thanos kills is his daughter Gemora in order to acquire the Soul Stone. You would think this to be absolutely heartless, but in order to do this, he had to truly love her, and sacrificing that which he loves most to better the universe, doesn't that seem kind of selfless? The whole is greater than the one. Later we learn Thanos came from Titan, one of Saturn's moons. The world was greatly overpopulated and suffering from it. Thanos had suggested killing off half the population so that the other half would survive, and of course, he was denied. But at random to what he called "fair" rich and poor alike. Because they denied this idea, his people went extinct due to the inability to sustain themselves. We learn this is why he wants the Infinity Stones in order to simply snap his fingers and half the universe's population is gone. Painlessly, at random. A terrifying thought, but is it really so merciless?


Much pain and suffering happened due to the people of Titan being unable to find a solution to the problem and continue the suffering until the very end without having the ability to act. Thanos is hunting for this way to ease the suffering of the universe painlessly and he does just that when he finally arrives on Earth. With the final person he kills being Vision; although being an AI robot and the only way to retrieve the stone from him is to kill him, he didn't really have a choice. Having finally acquired all the stones, he snaps his fingers and those throughout the universe begin to vanish in a rapture.


I mentioned hidden messages within the title, well I'll try to keep it brief as this has already turned out to be longer than I had hoped. Thanos is a Titan from the moon of Saturn with the same name. As anyone who has followed those of the EOC should have seen by now, we expect Saturn to ignite very soon becoming a new sun. Saturn representing the Lord. Thanos being a Titan on a dying planet is very similar to the original stories of the Anunnaki. Their planet was dying due to lack of gold in the atmosphere, thankfully they were able to do something about that. Thanos himself, in his actions and words, portrays eerily similar to the justice of the Lord. He wants to take out half of the universe in order to bring about a flourishing world, salvation, and peace. Yes, there will be sadness at first for the universe, but the next generations will flourish and be happy. The Lord comes here to do the same. All but 500,000,000 on Earth, 144,000 on Elysium, and the vast majority back to their own seedline worlds. A huge population reduction for a planet to become peaceful and good. The similarities Marvel and Disney tried to make are pretty strange. Instead of keeping Thanos as a monster to rule all who was obsessed with Mistress Death, they turned him into the hero of the movie that a lot of people have been getting behind. Whether or not he keeps the same character in the sequel scheduled for 2019 is unknown, but the world has now seen a taste of what is coming on a smaller scale. The Illuminati have seen the signs, it's time to wake up.

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Very apt synopsis. One key difference that should be noted is that Thanos was not a judge. He opted for a random, "fair" culling. The Lord, however, is the Judge of humanity and its nations. He will not randomly eliminate people, but rather chooses to spare those who he deems worthy, meritoriously. I wouldn't wish that responsibility on anyone, but it is his rightfully.

Another key difference is the aftermath. As far as we know, these lost lives in AIW are simply gone, deleted from existence. In reality, however, Christ will only "delete" those who are so lost and without potential that not even millennia hellfire could cleanse them. Many will lose their mortal lives but carry one elsewhere on their seeder worlds, as you mentioned briefly, and many others will go to remedial worlds to mature.

That's a very interesting analysis. You were able to put it all into words, thanks. Although, when I saw the movie all I could think of is the message from the Georgia Guidestones.

I truly can't wait for the world to be peaceful again. All the negativity and the division is truly hard to bare...

Marvel like many movies has a message and you got it on par!

There was so many signs and so much coorelation of Thanos to the Lord. In order for the Earth to survive that is already vastly overpopulated and being depleted at a rapid pace.... much of the population has to be taken out. As sad as this is, it is for the GREATER GOOD. Thanos wanted the GREATER GOOD of the entire universe and thus he had to be the one to do what he did. He was the ultimate hero of the movie that they tried to portray as the bad guy. Many will not understand this though...

He was literally portrayed as the hero of the movie the way it all played out. The majority of the internet is agreeing on this. He wasn't the bad guy we expected

Very interesting take on the movie's meaning, brother. I was a bit confused at first about the movie's hidden message. But this post definitely helped clear it up.

They are very striking similarities though the Lord does not want to have others suffer it appears to be the consequence of the actions of disobedience.

Interesting way about Thanos...I had the same thought also along what will happen soon on Earth.

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