Are You Overworked? Bring Balance To Your Life!

in #writing6 years ago

Are you being extremely snappy towards people you love or people in general? Do you eat enough or get enough sleep? Is your memory fading? Becoming envious of those who don't do as much as you do? You're probably overworked and burnt out. Trust me, I've been there in a few of my last jumps. If a friend came up to you and said they were going to go workout for 30 hours and refused to eat, sleep, or take care of themselves until they were done, some serious red flags would pop up! So, why do we let people do similar things with their work?


Let's be real here; no one wins from someone overworking themselves to a burnout state. Not you, not your co-workers, not your employer. Your work suffers greatly from it as the final project will probably get more sloppy the less care of yourself you're taking. We all do better work when we're healthy and happy. The sad and backward thing is, in these days we praise people who overwork themselves and make it into some kind of competition even though people know it isn't good for you! College students cramming 10 hours of studying in before a big test and sleeping for maybe an hour, or that huge pile of paperwork on your desk that you stayed in the office overnight to finish, pumping yourselves with energy drinks or coffee damaging your body even more than you already are! You might see it as an accomplishment but it's, unfortunately, self-abuse most of the time.


You really are killing yourself depending on how hard this goes. Overworking causes depression, increases the risk of obesity and heart disease, short-term effects on your memory, higher stress levels, higher blood pressure, digital eye strain depending if you're on the computer constantly, emotional instability, and more! If you're having these symptoms is your job really worth your life? Do you really think you're doing your best when you can't even take care of yourself? Odds are, if you're suffering this much, so is your work and your coworkers around you. Again, I've been there, a raging tyrant of a boss getting all the new people fired for barely doing anything when I was almost running 5 departments before I was even made a manager. It took a long sit down and talk with my cousin to realise I needed some serious balance and to just worry about what I was doing. It isn't admirable or commendable and really needs to be addressed.


What's your daily schedule? If it's something like this:

  • 6:00: Wake up, shower
  • 6:30: Breakfast
  • 7:00: Start work
  • 12:00: Lunch
  • 12:30: Back to work
  • 17:00: Dinner
  • 17:30: Back to work
  • 01:00: Bedtime

You're probably suffering from many signs of overwork and burnout. It's okay to take personal time for yourself and needed in order to maintain your top performance! Overworking yourself on the same thing for a long time can also make you come to dislike the thing in general! I got that way with editing videos for a short while. Staying up till 1 am to work on projects, I came to notice the pattern of overwork again and decided to keep it within an 8 hour time period so I could stay healthy about it and so I could continue to produce something good instead of half-assed. Don't do too much of the same thing without any changes at all. It's a formula for misery.


What is the key to stopping all of this? Bringing some balance back into your life. Remember that schedule I presented before? It needs to be shortened. By at least 5 hours, and add some breaks and activities in there to get the blood pumping and brain activity more active. Get your dopamine levels up(not with drugs). If you're in a position like I am and working for the returned Messiah, you need to be at your best ALL the time, and sorry, it isn't something most people can achieve if they're going to end up a zombie. I was in that stage before and it's absolutely miserable. Work suffers, you suffer, everyone suffers. Balance is absolutely needed, variety is absolutely needed, and sleep is absolutely needed. I could use the terrible work conditions of most people in Japan as an extreme example, because if anyone has it bad, oh boy, it's them. Death by overwork there is so common they actually have a word for it; Karōshi. That, and a large number of suicides are contributed to overworking! So for brevity's sake (which seems to be my term of the week) I'll let you continue the research and leave you with a video that inspired me to write on this topic. PLEASE REMEMBER take care of yourself. You can't give anything your best if your body is running on empty. Be well!


I used to love my 12-13 hr shifts, 3-4 days a week. Granted all I did was shower, eat, sleep, work repeat for 3-4 days, but it was worth it to me.

There is still balance in those days though. those 3-4 days equal just over an average work week of 40-50 hours a week. With 3-4 days off that isn't an imbalance and there is plenty of time in there to do whatever you want/need in order to recharge! If it was 7 days a week, 13hrs then there would be a huge issue there and probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if there was no time for yourself.

Sometimes people need to say "I need to slow down". Not stop, but just slow down, take breaks and learn to pace yourself. Burn outs are very real and some are hard to come back from

Overworking also leads to depression.

I think I've got a decent balance. For me, alternation is a big help.

Burning yourself out by working so much is a real thing. It is why people need stress relief so much. It is not funny to even joke about, because some people can get burned out to where they do not ever come back from it.

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