The Importance of Giving

in #writing7 years ago

Hands that give always receive that is what I have always been listening to throughout my life but how deep is this concept, we will be able to give to receive detachment of the material or only live for the material in these days.

The other day I passed a particular case, a lady of medium to high economic status, asked me a favor to accompany her to a shopping center because the taxi had not come to see her, the mall is a few blocks from my house, she She told me that she paid me for the favor of what I did not agree to pay me I did it because of the conviction that I wanted to help her in her situation and I am really helping to ask for something but many people do not think That you must have a pay at least economy but in my case I did it for the simple fact of helping her, well, once I helped her, I said goodbye to her knowing that maybe I will not see her again and waiting for her Find better, after the days I was waiting for the opening of a business I'm doing but as in every business has its ups and downs, then I woke up that day expecting the worst response but well that's the bad thing in my personality sometimes being negativ Or, when I went to meet the person to receive the answer oh surprise said yes, that everything is fine and that they will give the green light for my business to which I was astonished but I said in my heart that it happened because everything I was against it but it was that I remembered perhaps what he did without expecting anything in return God rewarded me or the universe if they want to call it that.


Then I said to myself and I remembered this phrase hands that give receive but to give without expecting anything in return is much better, heals your soul and gives joy to your heart, I hope that what they read this post contribute even a little to improve The quality of life to others and I assure you that God or the universe will give you 1,000% of what you give be a little more human and teach our fellow men to give.
I for my part every time I give something more than I am for those who have nothing at times we do not have money to spare but if we spare time we gave something of that time that valuable for us but much more valuable for those people who need it Of you.

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