Thief Burgled My Neighbour's Room, Steals Home Theatre, Money and Other Valuables

in #writing6 years ago

Few days ago, to be precise five days ago, one of my neighbours (Mr. Jude) who has being sick since last year came to my room to inform me that he will be travelling to his village because of his illness; he told me that his people has asked him to come back home so that they can use herbal medicine to treat him.

As the kind of person that l'm; l don't hesitate to ask questions whenever the need arises, when asked him if he went to hospital for diagnosis and he responded in affirmative.

However, l was really touched when the young man told me that he went for test in two different hospitals; that both results indicates that he has ulcer. He said he could not go to work again due to the pains and weakness.

He went further to tell me that he has spent so much already but all to no avail. I felt for him, l wished l could offer any help but couldn't due to limited resources. Immediately he was set for the journey, l accompanied him to the park to board vehicle going to his home town Auchi in Edo State, Nigeria. Thank God that he got to his town safely.

To my greatest surprise, Mr. Jude's wife told me yesterday morning as l was on my way out for work that she will be travelling to village today and l asked her why ma; she said that she was traveling because of her husband's health and l wondered, why she will be traveling again when her husband's health is not critical but l could say nothing than safe journey ma.

When l came back from work, l decided to place a call to her to know if she has gotten home; after speaking with her l demanded that she give her husband phone so l can speak with him. In the cause of our discussion, Mr. Jude made me to understand that he told her not to come since the situation does not warrant it but she insisted that she will come back.

            The Unimaginable Happened 

Since l was born and now l am getting young 😅😅😅 l have never heard nor witness thief coming to a compound where the occupants are virtually 100% in to burgle a room during wee hours and cart away valuables.

Early this morning, as l was still sleeping; the shout from one the neighbours who normally prepare and leave for work before 5:30am made me to have an emergency wake up. On getting to the house, we met the house scattered and on taking good observations l find out that their home theatre was no longer in the house. After, contacting Mr. Jude's wife, we also discovered that where she kept money, it was no longer there.






I can't get to figure out how this thief carried out this act successfully without anyone in the compound hearing any noise but that shows to me that, that's their day. "Every day is for the thief and one day is for the owner." What a world that we are in. People are hustling and working hard to make money, some out there are busy looking for a way to steal.

May God Help us in Jesus Name AMEN

Love you all


Emergency wake up indeed!!!.😂😂😂

😂😂😂😂 honestly, you truly understand

Lets thank God that it wasnt you...God is faithful

Yes bro, God is too faithful

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