Why I'm Thinking Of Becoming The Poster Child For The Slave State

in #writing8 years ago

I've been doing a lot of thinking as of late, and I'm starting to realize that I'm slowly disintegrating.  From my moods to my health, my body and mind are not what they used to be - they are taken for granted by what I call the state.  The state just really means people running things behind the state.  And, I'm starting to see how becoming the poster child for the slave state actually sounds better then trying to get and maintain a healthy life and get comfortable in your work for life.

You see, this life doesn't want you to work.  It wants you to toil, but it doesn't want you to work.  If you worked right, and things worked out right for you for once, I'm sure you'd be able to change things for this world.  Hell, people might even be happy for a change - but, they're not.  People aren't happy because this world hasn't made happiness a readily available thing to obtain.  You see, because if it takes money to be happy - well, that's our first problem because money doesn't make a man happy, and only when he can buy the things that he wants and have the human connection that he wants is a man truly happy.  So, as far as I can see it, not many people can have the things they want, and if they can - they can't have the kinds of human connection that are necessary to create that kind of happiness.

Everyone's too worried about what motivates the other person or what motivates a person rather then seeing the person that is there, it's more about figuring the person out - the code and the language of that person, so that you can infiltrate and take apart that persons life.  And, to me - this is exactly what these states are doing with meta data, and making sure that it can demonize you over here, and let these people over there go.  While those people over there were doing more damage then you had ever done in your whole life right there, they are still after the wrong people so-to-speak, while they are disenfranchising you and your life and your mind.  They don't care who they are hurting nor why they are hurting you.  All these people know is they are doing their job, and so-what if it's a little scum-bag bull shit job - it pays the bills and puts food on the table for you and your family.  Who care who gets hurt in the process, right?  As long as you get ahead - you're gold.  And, sure as shit if you can keep getting away with your crimes - you're good with it right!?  No need to stop this show.  Over 9 million people disenfranchised and many more to come, no need to stop these kinds a charades over your life - HELL, it's what makes money!

And, money matters, not peoples silly.  So when you think that your love and your whole heart for another person means more - think again!  Because, no one makes that kind of love these days.  Only broken love from broken homes from broken people with broken ways.  Even if they were to see their own ways - would they change?

No, nothing changes, and this is why I'm thinking about becoming the poster child for the slave state.  It's not because I literally want to fuck off and fuck my life up, but - because I know that I'm being neurologically programmed and people don't want to admit to it, but I am.  I know that I've been fucked over by the state and that it should never have been.  That if I was able to make a tiny break I'd make it bigger then they'd ever want me to become, and for some reason if I did make a good life, I don't think there would be a cop or someone doing a good enough job at disenfranchising me, so it goes to show - the state only cares about what it can take from you... it never once cared about what it could give you or help you with - just take and keep taking away.  These are just partially why I am thinking of becoming a poster child for the slave state, but mainly because all these people are idiots - bought and sold just like cattle on the New York Stock Exchange, and who cares?   Definitely not enough of us care that we have basically gone from a free country into a country that lacks the very essence of the word itself - "FREE"  As none of us are free.


I feel you. It's easy to feel the weight of the invisible hand pressing down. But if we all resist together, we create new systems. I found this website today, it gave me a little hope and excitement for the future: https://bitnation.co/

Hang in there, friend.

Awesome! Thanks my friend!

thanks through the glass, I hope we read more of each others work in the future here - it's been an amazing go on STEEM for me, and I hope that you feel the same. I'm glad to be growing with like-minded people.

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