
That's an easy one. I write down my ideas in a list, so I can find them later. Then when I'm in a writing mood I start with whichever I'm feeling most strongly about. If that isn't enough, I start thinking ahead, considering what exactly I might write about each idea. Some sound fun, until I actually start asking myself if I'd have much to say about it. What feels unusual and most worthy of exploration? What lets me put a bit of my own experience into it? Which subject am I most willing to research before writing about it? Which one do I have the most extensive thought process for when I really get down to it?

These are questions that I ask myself on some level to decide by.

Wow. Thanks. I think I am going to try out this method. I am interested in so many things... well not that many, but they all cover a broad field of study. I write as well, although not fiction per se . I am an artist, but I love books! Thanks again ❤

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