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RE: i finally got to 100 followers - WHOOP WHOOP - so here you go, have a story just for you, you beautiful little steemers, you!!!

in #writing7 years ago

A steady diet of dog food may cause blindness in your cat - it lacks taurine.


really? so some sort of wholesale redbull supply might be in order... OMFG, @catfacts, you're a genius! why didn't anyone think of it before?! hold tight, @catfacts, i'm about to blow your tiny feline mind. gonna take me about 10 minutes though...

Cats have supersonic hearing

ok, so check it out:


i made it just for you. we should get on it, equals, 50/50. whadya say, partner?


Cats spend nearly 1/3 of their waking hours cleaning themselves.

Red Cat - it gives you taurine

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