in #writing6 years ago


There will be no image to thumbnail your interest. There will be no funny meme. There won't be my staple gif's. This won't be a poem or any kind of work of art. This won't be anything about YouTube or Steemit. This won't be about Crypto Currency or the newest coin to gain interest in and profit from. This won't be some B.S. circle jerk ass-licking of some great Whales or some influential Dolphins.

This is going to just be a story to share. This story has an overall bigger message and theme intertwined within the irony of what value there is to be drawn vicariously through my experience today.

I am working on a more substantial INK W.I.P. post to share later Lord willing and the Creek Don't RISE! which will showcase some of the intricacy of the inkworks.

  • I have two main points.
  • See if you can discern them within the given context of this experience.

Dog Watch

I made a post recently called Will Work For Photography
~ A Story To Tell ~
and you could almost consider this a part two. Just more in the opposite end of the spectrum of how a story is told.
That post is old so please don't waste your voting power upvoting it should you have felt so inclined to do so.

I went to this same neighbor's house to watch her dog. Her son and family came down from Stockholm so I seemed to be the perfect man for the job. Raisins and I have bonded quite well actually.
I have a few VERY CUTE photos to share of my little helper at a more appropriate time.

I will spare you the long f'd up day which would give such a deep and enriched understanding of my woes. One irony stacked upon another etc. It has literally been one thing after another and another ALL DAY LONG!

So, I go check on Raisins... and chill with him since he has been alone for an hour or so. I went outside to let him roll in the grass or whatever else he may like. I took him on enough walks he didn't have much 'Marking' capability left if you catch my drift.

He didn't even kick it out there with me. It actually hurt my feelings a bit, to be honest. Oh well, I looked at all the work I have done in the back, which y'all aren't privy to just yet. I looked at the work left for me to do. I watched the rose bush that I showed the Macro of the fly hanging out in the flower for quite a while.

I was astonished to find a HoverFly caught by a much smaller spider in a Medium to Small sized Rose flower.
That post is old so please don't waste your voting power upvoting it should you have felt so inclined to do so.

So, I have decided to take out my contacts and I have no glasses. I have worn them for my astigmatism since I was in first grade. Before my corrective lenses... I didn't know there was speckled grit stone in concrete and almost fell stepping off the curb getting into the car my depth perception was so out of whack.

I knew trees had leaves and that those leaves were individual. I had never actually seen the individuality of the leaves. I mostly saw forms, outlines, colors of contrast. Details are something that I had to FIND for myself or create within my art. You will see what I mean when I post the next INK WIP #3 which I will link here after the fact.

So, here I am standing next to this flower I had just photographed that had a fly hiding out in the shade for these devastating Swedish Summers (Thinks the Native TEXAN!) This time I am looking not far from where the o.g. photo was and I saw a tiny white Rose, with a tiny white spider.

The spider isn't actually what caught my attention. As I said, I didn't have my 'seein eye dogs' in... and it was the contrast that caught my eye. I looked more closely and saw one of the HoverFlies which are easily mistaken for bees. The little white, almost albino, spider had the fly bitten right in the head.

What made me actually see the spider was the odd layout and design of the fly's eyes. Normally, they take up half of their heads and look super cool. This one's eyes looked more horizontal than vertical. As I looked around the head and checked out the horizontal nature of the eye/eys I saw the white spider's grip on it's head.

The spider literally had the fly by the eye. I felt bad for the fly... but the small spider must have had much venom to paralyze or kill an even bigger creature such as this. I prodded the fly to see if it was alive and I don't think it was. But the spider seemed to think I wanted to steal it's meal.
It drug the bee-fly deeper into the bloom and probably ate at it's leisure.

Moral of the Story

My first thought once my blindness came to enough light to have some Bat echolocation to see this even taking place... was the standard pat-down!

Feeling for the phone.... which I don't carry around often here in Sweden. Checking for my camera which I almost NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT! I was torn asunder by the fact that I had neither. This moment in life... this beauty to be captured and shared... this macro action of my passion... was all RIGHT WHERE IT BELONGS

Some moments in life are meant to be captured. They aren't meant to be shared. Some experiences in life are .... Tailored JUST FOR YOU
Not having my camera helped me to see that not everything needs to be on The Book of Faces... or Instagram, Steemit, etc. Not everything we eat, and poop needs to be recorded for the world to see and appreciate. Sometimes... Life has this old thing from Back In My Day called a memory.

I have many memories. I have many lost memories. I have good ones and bad ones... but I can't share those in anything more than words, such as this post. I don't want upvotes for this post. I don't want to hit trending or be curied or minnowsupported or curated by any or all of the other GREAT contributors to the platform. I am really just venting/ranting/imparting some of the wisdom of life.

Go out and see things. Eat things. Listen, hear... and try to understand. Find more value reading between the lines. Unlock the secrets to life by seeing the very keys set forth before you.
Live Life. Don't Try to Be a Voyeur to your own Experience.

I have always said, you have to ADD Venture.... to GAIN. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. So, in order to gain... you must have an ADVENTURE OF YOUR OWN!
By all means, blog, vlog, journal, write, photo all of your experiences. Sharing is truly caring. If you have followed my blog for the better part of my first year, then you know how much it means to me to be able to capture and share beauty.

Don't miss the moment in the now looking to find a way to keep it for the future or to recreate the past. Beauty, such as life, is a very fleeting thing. Elusive at the very least! Enjoy what beauty and life you can find around you while you still can.

~ Brandon Lee's Last Interview ~

source article

There’s this wonderful quote from (Paul Bowles’ 1949 novel) The Sheltering Sky (paraphrasing): ”Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, and yet everything happens only a certain number of times. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood that is so deeply a part of your being you can’t even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more? Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps, twenty. And yet it all seems limitless.”

The last thing I wanted to point out and not be so vague about was STEEM POWER and VOTING. My feed is a mess and I miss MANY of the BEST POSTS from the people I want to support the most. I do try to keep my Voting Power 75% or above for the sake of everyone's reward value.

Please don't think I have forgotten you or that you did anything wrong. I try my best to spread the votes around as much as possible and will continue to manually curate to spread the love even further. I am most grateful to a most generous delegation which is more than half of what my worth actually is.

Just know I love and appreciate you ....
even if I don't comment or upvote enough!



It's your heart touching creativity. I heart touching Story.. Keep it up sharing....

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