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RE: Miss Diode Wants a Real New Body - #31sentencecontest - Version 2.0

in #writing5 years ago

Thank you!! Sad to say, yes, my sister Julie was murdered at almost 19, and we have never seen her killer(s) brought to justice. We weren't allowed to see her body. We never got to say goodbye. If it were cancer or a car wreck, I'd move on, but knowing her killers walk free (and shop in the same grocery store as my mother!) makes it harder for me to "put up and shut up," because I want to expose the killers hiding in plain sight. Most of all I want my sister back, but ain't no court of law able to do that.

The lines and numbers were for the #31sentencecontest hosted by @tristancarax, and I just gave it up halfway through and started over without investing time in word counts and multitudes of revisions. I don't know if you read the "final" (cough, cough) version of the story, but I did eventually give it the college try. Sorry. If I master the numbers game, I'll try to do Week 4 of the contest correctly. Thanks again @road2horizon!


i'm so sorry for your sister! it must have been ... I think I don't have enough words to express horrible and unacceptable. for a family, for a mother, it must be heartbreaking. but you are so sunny, so funny, that it is difficult to see your great pain inside. so, this is the way we have to live, be strong enough to move forward. a big hug

{{Big hug}} gratefully accepted and reciprocated!
Rose Kennedy was right - time does not heal all wounds; it just thickens a layer of scar tissue. The older my parents get, the more I see the impact on them of their daughter being killed and disposed of like roadside trash while the locals who did it get to become grandparents and go unpunished for destroying a life. This is a long story that can only be told in the guise of fiction. I don't really "know" who killed Julie; I just have the word of a lone witness who's been threatened--by Law Enforcement themselves--to shut up. Hollywood and thriller novels do get one thing right: those who "know" something and those who talk end up dead. What can we unarmed civilians do? Vigilante justice isn't a wise option. So I just watch silly cat videos (goats too now!) and hang out at Steemit. Thank you for your kind words. :)

and even more cruel to know that the same police say it is better to be silent, those who should teach to report injustices and protect ourselves do not do it. with what messages can a child grow, for example? it's a world that turns upside down and sometimes it's more difficult than others. I can't tell you more about continuing to write your beautiful stories about steemit and staying close to your family. all the best for you :-))

Again, thank you - you get it!!
All too often, I feel the stories are another exercise in futility, but I keep going anyway. Readers like you keep me out of the abyss. :)

and even if they were futile? You love write, I love read you. What do we care if they make us feel good? everyone fights in the best way for himself ;-))

You're a treasure! I want to clone you or inspire millions of others to be as welcoming, warm, and empathetic as you are. :) Thank you.

Hey! it is the most beautiful thing that no one has ever told me 💗💗 looovveeee


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