How to write a story #1

in #writing7 years ago

I'm a bookselling writer. I publish books, but I also write for magazines, newspapers and websites. Sometimes they are columns about the things that are going on in the world, but mostly I write fiction stories. I love to write fantasy, horror and thriller because you can create anything you want, just by using your imagination.
My stories are published in Dutch and they appear in the Netherlands and Belgium.

To promote my work, I try to meet my readers. I think it's important to hear them say what they think of your work. I go to a booksigning when I'm invited, I hardly say no.
Foto made by reader. Used with permission.

Sometimes it happens that one of my readers tell me via my website they are celebrating a birthday and they are giving my book as a present. If I can, I come by and be there when they open up their present. It's always great fun to do.

The question I often get is, "how do you come up with those stories?"
It isn't too hard. You have to follow a simple plan.
First you decide what is the happening in your book, and how will it end.
For example, a murder, the murderer gets shot.

Now you are deciding who is going to be the leading role in your story. Will it be the murderer, or do you want the victim, or even a survivor, maybe the victims best friend to be the leading role? You are the creator.
This part I always call the construction. Happening, ending, leading role or leading roles.

Now you become a painter. You need to paint the construcion and make it an artwork.
First you paint the roles. Man or woman, adult or child, color everything that you are going to need in your story. Better use too much then discovering in the middle of your story that your murderer must be bold because you didn't give him or her a haircolor and haircut.

After that you can color the scenes. where does the story take place, how do the crimescene look like, the houses of the leading roles.

Now you can start painting like there is no tomorrow. The first line is always the hardest line to write. Just start, don't think too much about it. I like starting lines that suck me right in like,

She threw the paper on the table and looked him right in the eyes.

You instantly have a scene and the readers attention is there, from now on you can go on full speed. Don't start with all kinds of describing, just grab the reader and suck him or her into your story.

Now follow the construction and use the roles where needed. You can create anything you wish. Make up a pet, create a crazy scene where the first line stopped.

What were you thinking Mike? We talked this over and now you are going away with your friends this weekend? My parents are coming over.

Got it?

First start with short stories and make them longer as you go along. You'll see that you will become more creative by doing it.
Go ahead, grab a pen or crawl behind your keyboard and start to create, and let me know what you have written using this simple plan. I'd love to read your creations.


Nice, I've always tried to write up guides/supernatrual books and a bit of sci-fi right now from what i read it gives me a bit of a better idea on how to do it thank you

Glad that I could be of help for you. Just go for it, and if you need some advice or help, just let me know ;)

Will be interesting to read your further posts. Thanks.

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