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RE: Lost souls + A nightly convo

in #writing6 years ago

Those damned chains coming out on the attack again, I see! (Like the Nothing, the Void has a hunger.) Nice to have a handy HUD to let one know where to fire. How good of It to heal the tentacle! (Also, clever insert of self numbing to prevent the Void from having pleasure from the pain of those it loves to torture.)
Ah! Cap'n and Octo were in the Void simultaneously! Octo even recalled Cap's former name but to no avail on the recognition at the time. :^(
Here too we see the crystals to help stave off the sickness from the black blood, ironically which will kill the Captain. (Also the tie in to Saddie being infected and Wither keeping an eye on her need for possitble treatment as well as the Voids interests in her.)

We can be united because we can see how similar we are and recognize our differences. Which by uniting together we can strengthen instead of weakening our individuality. For if the individual that decides to work alone cannot be recognized for having a self-consciousness and results in feeling alienated/estranged as a result.

Acknowledgment and respect of our differences (both strengths and weaknesses) is a blessing when working together in harmony with a group for common goals. However, sometimes miscommunication or a sour disposition from a tiring day or situation can result in an individual feeling out of place or unappreciated. When the care is given to revisit once everyone has had a chance to reclaim a calm, or to think of where and why the miscommunication/etc. occurred and all involve strive to reach an understanding and balance, it is a beautiful thing.
Also, there are those who enjoy working alone. This does not mean that they are antisocial or uncaring of the input of others, it can simply be that immersing themselves in a project in solitude - so long as it is by their own choice - is what is comfortable for them. - My two cents for that part but if it doesn't make sense or apply to your meaning, I apologize. - I'm tired. :^)


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments!

On the story itself: yeah, always great to have a HUD. Especially useful if things move faster than speeding leopards. Anyways, It is a sweetheart and dealt with the Void before in the Anti-Void War. And yeah, once immune to the sickness, the medicine kills yah! (It's like stroggification in Quake 4, yer able to become Strogg all the way but need to be "fully" converted to become a Strogg drone.) Because the medicine is basically the equivalent of a purging medicine! Anyways, this is probably the smoothest transition to having a Octo-Saddie scene.

On the end blurb: It doesn't apply to my meaning. I was more concerned about the ethics of and power recognition has. Even the self-made individual still is creating for an other, even if its an innocent third-party that they justify to but never can interact with. I was taking the Metaphysical I Individual and taking it to its logical conclusion of it being an estranged individual that cannot benefit in using the entire arsenal of being human nor create for anybody else. Even in a collective society, people still create things alone and have to live on their own; just the benefit of guaranteed recognition for what one is doing and knowing people do look out for each other. In fact, it's better that people can pursue their dreams since that'll raise the collective to new heights than what they were before. After all, the collective is just a bundle of individuals all working together to survive another day (just like most of human history). Regardless, those are just sometimes and not a thing to be pent up about - thankfully real-life was different from the internet and people actually could keep their head straight.

Swing dance.gif

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