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RE: Dialectics, an updated guide

in #writing6 years ago

Thanks for this intro guide!

the way the Internet is structured has nurtured and let this Concert of screams, hot takes, ill will and vulgar sensibilities of one's freedoms to self-sustain; and those that have wired the Internet this way has a lot to benefit from.

How would you restructure the internet so as to change this but still keep from infringing on the rights of people to state what they see, hear, feel, etc? Keep in mind, I dislike the screaming matches of mulish people, bullies, alarmists and trolls, etc. and am asking out of curiosity.


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! While I could give a complex topology of every single possible avenue, I rather say this: in the current state of society, we shall struggle to even hold up a better wired internet for all until we change the economy, culture and ideology of all societies to a progressively better state of things. That being said: we can cut down and remove the twitter model, make rules more accessible and less jargony, promote wholesome people or small voices that have actually things to say and start punishing those that truly instigate cultures of sea-lioning, hot takes, ill will attacks, trolling (not how I remembered it!), bully/harrasment and those that hurt the freedoms of others while claiming to want the freedom for all by abusing and perverting freedom (perverse freedoms). These are just small reforms that can dialectically change people’s attitudes and plattitudes, but they won’t be beneficial until we move away from Capitalism that thrives on division culture.

Yet, if we solely focused on the internet side of things (and purposefully take a metaphysical look at things), then a massive reform campaign that promotes actual dialogue, suspends the twitter/instagram model, nurtures small voices while rewarding big voices and suspending those that care not for the freedoms of others while hyprocritically calling for freedom for all is the focus we should be takingx I’ve been to many corners of the Clear Net, these are necessary. And I do see this somewhat happening in the present state of things, but are hindered by corporate consideration and unnecessary bureaucracy measures. That and, to say again, we need to make the rules concrete and not vague (and read fully to be quite honest). Even a stupid 3-question quiz to see if people read the rules, has the qs constantly changing and updated and makes it easy to answer since the rules aren’t in legalese can do a whole lot.

Will there be dicks, well they got nurtured in their “outside-net” environment and are purposefully excluded from this metaphysical examination. To talk dialectically, they do contribute but only because they affect things internally when they actually do something inside of the internet. Once removed, their external pressures can only be recalculated inside as a microcosm of pressure to all these moving parts. By which, our scope of concern will soon have to engulf real-life in order to deal with this factor. But that’s a topic of revolutionary change for a better future that’s worth living for.

Of which then we’ll have to talk about how these softwares should be run by their groups, the usage of human beings instead of bots to do the actual screening of “bad people,” not letting social media sites be run by psychopaths/sociopaths and so on and so on. Just the topic of handling the internet is another topology engulfing the internet. Which is then engulfed by both the economy and Superstructure (Ideology and Culture) of which they find themselves in. And you see how crazy all these interactions, big and small, can lead to subtle or major shifts in other parts. Basically, one giant machine that constantly replaces, updates and upgrades it’s component as time goes on... which then is running smaller machines just to keep the big machine going.


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