Daily qoutes

in #writing5 years ago
  1. ABILITY is what we are capable of doing. MOTIVATION determines what we do. ATTITUDE determines how well we do it

  2. Don't fear failure. Not failure, but low aim is the crime. In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail -

  3. People who love you for who you are, rather than what you can do for them-are the BEST kind of people. Your Life is a Reflection of your thoughts. Think well!

  4. The Reason for people who become Successful is that--- They prefer to Walk that Extra Mile, from where unsuccessful people choose to return, 💐

  5. Living a meaningful life is not about being rich, popular, highly educated or being perfect. Life is about being honest, being strong in mind, real, humble and able to reach out with a positive spirit of understanding.

  6. Only two categories of people are happy in life - The Mad and the Child. Be Mad to achieve a goal. Be a Child to enjoy what you have achieved !

  7. Each morning comes with renewed hope; another chance and a GREAT opportunity to do Better than what we did yesterday...

  8. All that you are is a result of all that you have thought. The happiness of your Life depends on the quality of your thoughts🙂 !!

  9. Life has several great options, but you don't have to pick what seems to be the best; Just pick what makes you Happy 🙂 and it will be the Best

  10. Life and time are the best teachers; Life teaches us the use of Time and Time teaches us the value of Life.

  11. Begin everyday by asking, 'Where can I improve today?' End everyday by introspecting , 'Where did I improve today?'

12.🙂 No candle loses its light while lighting another candle. Never stop sharing, caring & helping others, because it makes our life more meaningful !

  1. If you believe you are right, but still people criticise you, hurt you, shout at you, DON'T bother. Just remember - In every game, only the audience makes more noise, not the players...!! Be a Player, Believe in yourself and DO YOUR BEST !!!-

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