Never judge a book by its cover.

in #writing6 years ago

An Englishman once said, "Don't judge a book a book by its cover".

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The English idiom "don't judge a book by its cover" is a metaphorical phrase which means "you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone". For example "That man may look very small and insignificant, but don't judge a book by its cover – he's a very powerful man in his circle". Reference for further reading. The phrase is attributed to a 1944 edition of the African journal American Speech: “You can't judge a book by its binding.” It was popularized even more when it appeared in the 1946 murder mystery Murder in the Glass Room by Lester Fuller and Edwin Rolfe: “You can never tell a book by its cover.”

Never judge people by their look

The meaning of the saying 'never judge a book by its cover' is that we can't simply judge people only by their appearances. But, this is not always true. For instance, if an employer wants to recruit an employee and hundreds of people apply, the employer will probably narrow the list down based on first impressions. In other words, the employer is judging them by their 'cover' to save time.

But when it comes to choosing friends, we have to choose carefully. Some people might be bad for us. If we choose them wrongly, the consequences are very serious - the wrong kinds of friends can create all kinds of trouble for us.

I think, rather than judging a book by its cover, we need to read the content of the book and base our judgments on what we see there. This however may be somewhat difficult as we will need to engage ourselves with them first to find out who they really are.



There was this guy i met on a whatsapp group sometimes ago. silly and naughty as he was, a day won't pass without him having to haul insults on anyone that doesn't support his notion. He neither help nor give assistance even when any of the group member is in dire need that we would have to pool some fund for assistane.

It came to a point when we organised an offline meet up. What a surprise to see him showed up. Everyone quickly picked that it was him as he often posts different pictures of his. More of the surprise came when we got to know was the sole sponsor of the event. He was so gentle that heh barely uttered a word, very warm in welcoming, lovely and respectful.

I couldn't believe what my eyes saw and i had to approached him. Only thing i asked was "Why are you so quiet where in fact you're so rebellious on the group".

"He chuckled! Said : I was only having fun doing that". That was his response.

This sounded incredible to me, but i believed him because of what i saw. Ever since then, i don't judge people by merely what they do or how they look or appear.

Thank youfor reading


True.. We shouldn't do that but i sometimes reason why in making a book, the cover wouldnt be made to reflect itz content. It might not be the basis for judgement, but it does have itz appeal

Yes it does dear. More reason an interviewer in a company would mostly judge from an applicant appearance, mostly to save time. But literarily, the content of a book most time are not conveyed by the title page (cover).

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