Blue-Pencil Writing Tip # 3

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

The best writers set a scene. You read their story and you can clearly imagine the place and experience.

Paint a picture for your readers-even if you write self help aritcles!

The best way to do this is to take a few moments before you start typing to visualize the scene.

With this simple practice you get the essentials clear in your head so that you are able to clearly give your readers the details right from the beginning.

Details are important. It truly is the little things that make the piece. Think about it- everything has been written already. Every subject has been covered from many avenues. That is why you have to incorporate pieces of yourself into your work.

You are the only one who has had your experiences. You viewpoint is unique, no-one has ever had it before! To stand out amongst a million other writers covering the very same subject, you must add your own personal element- a little bit of you.

Set the scene for your readers and make sure it has personal touches. As you develop your voice, so will your fanbase grow.

Happy writing my friends!

Images via Pixabay and Giphy

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Wonderful advice! I've just started out on here. Looking to share my creativity and hopefully improve my writing skills in the process! Whats your favorite type of fictional writing?

Thank you!

Fictional? Hm, well, I enjoy humor, horror, thriller, drama, romcom... You?

Writing is my way to escape from the here and now!!! What's your escape?

Writing, yes. Word weaving. Creating worlds :) A story is the only thing I have some semblance of control over ;)

What do you like to write?

Writing, yes. Word weaving. Creating worlds :) A story is the only thing I have some semblance of control over ;)

What do you like to write?

My favorite stories are the ones that put in a lot of detail. From the color to the curtains to the specks of dust on the table, details can help readers imagine an entire world inside an authors head.

On another note you spelled my name wrong there at the end on this post and tip #2. lol. :) For some weird reason I resteemed this and it's not showing up that I did even though the resteem button is green. So many bugs with the site lately.

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! I will fix this, thank you for bringing it to my attention!

Try resteeming it from a different browser, or different device when it does that. @giantbear taught me that trick ;)

Creating the image for the reader is the most simple and effective way to get your point across and make sure they retain the information you set forth :)

Thanks for the tips. It's definitely something to keep in mind, sometimes when sharing a video I made. Adding that little personal story behind it, just a few lines, might be what readers need to engage and watch and enjoy.


You don't need much if it's rich in imagery <3

Is this free to edit my steemit post photo?

You provide or find your own photos, there are some great sites like unsplash and pexels you can use.

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