Water is dripping from the ceiling. Creative writing by Bmeet

in #writing7 years ago

Water is dripping from the ceiling. A strange red tiger with red stripes and white spots in the corner of my mind. I am starting to see things that don't exist. But maybe that is a good thing. Because the things that do exist can be sort of dull. Spiderman, I read it as a young boy and did not really like it but I read it anyway as I read lots of things. In the corner of my mind. These kids on the streets of this town seem so nationalistic. I don't know why nationalism and crypto are booming at the same time, as it seems like they are each others opposite. Crypto is so global, just check the location data of participants in any public Bitcoin group. And nationalism is per definition a better than thou pathos. Pathological pathos. I was walking around Tokyo a few years ago. I had this feeling that local people were somewhat telepathic. Like there was a hivemind of sorts going on that you don't necessarily see in Berlin or London. The problem with Batman and Spiderman is that they are looking for trouble. Marvel should have a characteer called Flowerman whose special talent is to generate flowers out of thin air and find calm spots suitable for picnics. What's up with all this fighting? Of course if you start looking for bad dudes to beat you will find them. A never ending stream of punishable ostensibly bad dudes. I read an article about Haruki Miyazaki. Uh I forgotten his name. You know that vastly popular dude who wrote dozens of bestsellers and they are all kinda science fiction. You know who I mean anyway. Yesterday I was swimming in the sea. I guess the sea was a bit dirty. But very popular. Lots and lots of local Asian people floating around in their colorful inflatable rings. Pretty relaxing, compared to the stress and hustle and bustle of the big city. I just had a carrot and some lemonade for breakfast, then I went to the supermarket, bought groceries and went back to the hostel to cook it all. After I finished I cleaned the kitchen. I hope they will appreciate the humble gesture. It is less hot here than in South Asia where I previously resided. I hope I can stay for a while. Maybe have to go to Hong Kong again soon and try to make a new visa. Small towns are more convenient in a way. Shorter distances to everything usually. Less crowded . Better air quality. You name it. But there is something about the concrete in Shenzhen that appeals to me. I cannot put my finger on it. There is concrete everywhere and a scent of solution chemicals. And for some reason that's appealing. It is less crowded than I thought it would be. Local people are fairly good at not colliding into each other. There is something silent about the city center. It is much less crowded than one would expect. It has some of that telepathic quality that Tokyo also does have. Like being inside one giant brain. Yesterday I was cycling in the park. There was something likable about it. There is nothing here. Only concrete, hardly any decoration at all. Giant skyscrapers with just a phone number printed on them. It's the hivemind. Last week I cycled into Hong Kong. I crossed the whole thing and exited on the South side. Using the metro mostly, not cycling all the time. The weather was clear. There was a beach. I went swimming. Someone said they could keep an eye on my bicycle while I took a walk and I did. Hong Kong seems a bit isolated from the mainland. Geographical position important. Why are there so many kangaroos in Australia? Where did they come from? And are they intelligent? They should have antennas. If kangaroos would have antennas everyone would assume they had great intellectual capabilities.

Water is dripping from the ceiling. Creative writing by Bmeet

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