in #writing7 years ago

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The once lived a merchant who earned large sum of money by selling goods. He had to go a long way to reach home, he went to an inn to get his horse. The stable men brought out his horse saying “Sir, your horse has lost a shoe nail, "You better wait and have it put in”. He said "I have no time now", Moreover one nail more or less does not matter much.” he got on his horse and galloped it towards his destination.

After a short time another nail from the shoe of the horse came off, The horse began to limp. The merchant didn't stop to repair the damages. After awhile, the horse began to stagger, which was followed by darkness.

The darkness was falling fast, and he was getting late. At last he got down and led the horse. A gang of robbers appeared from the forest, the merchant could not speed away his horse and save his money. He was at the mercy of the looters. They flogged him thoroughly and snatched his money from him. He went home with a lame horse and an empty pocket. His carelessness had cost a heavy price

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