A Salute to the Readers, Plus an Excerpt from Ben's BooksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

Quakers don't generally put much stock in "holy days" and anniversaries, but it seems appropriate to acknowledge that this account has been active for only a month, and the Steemit community has been incredibly welcoming. We have over 50 followers already, and will attempt to continue following each in return.

Many posts have received significant support, and we invite readers to look back though what has been posted already and catch up on anything they may have missed. Of course, upvotes are always welcome regardless of payout timeframes for Steem bonuses, because upvotes mean we provided something of value to the reader. The liberty mission means connecting with one mind at a time as we work toward a better tomorrow, and we appreciate knowing we gave you something to ponder.

More posts are on the way, including more articles and a long series of podcast selections. If our output rate here is too slow for your liking, or you just want to share articles from our home page, please visit Bad Quaker Dot Com. As noted in the introduction post, Bad Quaker media can also be downloaded via the torrent archives available here, and complete step-by-step instructions to configure uTorrent are available here.

Ben has retired from podcasting and public speaking, but he continues to write while spending time with his family. His most recent project is the SEDITION SUBVERSION AND SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL No. 1, which can be purchased HERE, or downloaded as a free e-book HERE. This post will consist of the disclaimer and an excerpt from the text.

  • The Bad Quaker staff

And now, back to our regularly-scheduled blogging...



This manual should always be referred to as a work of fiction, as a poor attempt at humor, as political satire, and as a parody of the 1944 OSS publication "Simple Sabotage Field Manual", not to be taken seriously. The distribution and contents of this manual should be controlled and efforts should be made to keep it from falling into the hands of the immature, the authoritarian, or any other childish types that may not have the mental capacity to tolerate alternative viewpoints. Any representative of authority who would try to use this work as evidence in a criminal case should be mocked and shamed for not being intelligent enough to get the joke. This should not be difficult since, as we all know, those who tend to be authoritarian are usually so self-absorbed with their own inflated ego that there is no room in their tiny sad soul, for humor. After all, who would seriously object to having wonderful overlords such as those provided to us by our benevolent governments and their crony superstructure. No one would ever actually want anything bad to happen to anyone in authority. We all love our political masters.

Further Use Permission: This product is purposefully not a registered ISBN product. Please feel free to use, re-use, distribute, copy, re-print, take credit for, steal, broadcast, mock, hate, quote, misquote, or modify this product in any way you see fit. Sell it, make copies and hand it out at concerts, make t-shirts, print it on flying disks, or do anything else because intellectual property is a State based haven of the weak, the stupid, and those lacking confidence in their own ability.

Part 1, Section 2-7

The concept of the Great Man was heavily debated and debunked in the 1800s, but the belief is as old as the State itself, and is more widely accepted today than ever. The basic idea is that God (or nature's god) provides special Great Men at specific times to lead society or governments during crisis, or to advance the progress of humanity towards a greater civilization. In reality the Great Man theory is nothing but the old divine-right-of-kings myth, modified with modern terminology. The other half of the Great Man theory that is rarely addressed is the Bogeyman. He is the opposite of the Great Man. He is standing in the shadows, always waiting to take over and destroy civilization as soon as people fail to follow the Great Man. He is Hannibal at the gates, he is the next Hitler, he is the Great Satan, always poised to steal men's minds and souls, held at bay only by the wisdom and bravery of the Great Man. In American politics, the Great Man/Bogeyman has developed into an art form. Every four years a macabre opera is played out at the cost of billions of dollars (almost $7 billion in 2012, according to opensecrets.org), as the American people attempt to determine who will be the Great Man and who will fail to raise to the calling. Of course the whole idea of a Great Man/Bogeyman is pure poppycock, and is the invisible thread that holds together the Emperor's New Clothes. The moment you realize there is no Great Man and there is no Bogeyman, the emperor's clothing vanishes and you see him for the tiny wart-covered leech that he is.


For more articles and podcasts on liberty, the zero-aggression principle, and property rights, go to badquaker.com, and thank you for reading.


50 followers!!! I can't believe it! This is one of the best pages on this platform...the writing is superb and I always look forward to reading it. If you want to boost your readership I suggest using anarchy as your first tag. I will also write a post encouraging my followers to check you out!

Oddly enough, the "economics" tag has gained us the most attention.

Hi - hello and thanks for the very interesting content from one of richq11's followers. Fred (partner) was a conscientious objector just like so many good Quakers.....

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