in #writing6 years ago


Have you ever paused to consider the question: what is Language? If you have not, you can pause now to provide an answer to this question. You can either make a mental response to the question, or write your answer down somewhere. You are likely to give answers that will border on the functions of language; e.g I use language to express my mind, I know other people's feelings through what they say, I am able to document my thoughts through language etc.

If your answers are in line with the ones just expressed, it means your mind is working in the direction of the functions of language. This is actually the primary purpose of language.
Language is useful because it functions for communicative interaction in the society.

Before I go further, I will like to share some thoughts on the definition of language.

Language has been variously defined and described according to longman Active dictionary "as a system of of words, phrases and grammar used by people who live in a country or area to communicate with each other."

According to Encarta dictionary, its defined as "the human use of spoken or written words as a communication system." It submits further that as a system of communication, a given language has its own set of conventions or special words.

The dictionary definitions given above emphasize the fact that language is a system of communication. "SYSTEM" Implies that the concept/thing has various parts, but the parts are related and are organized into a complex whole. It is the understanding of Language as a system that will enable us to see the aspect we are using at a particular point as belonging to a whole set of expressions, and thus be concerned with representing the aspects we are using correctly so as to not cause some problems of misrepresentation of language. Misrepresentation can lead to misunderstanding and ineffective expression of meaning.

The definitions also show that language is for communication. Language has been variously described to show its importance in ensuring meaningful interaction among human beings.
Noam chomsky, for instance says:

"When we study language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence", the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know unique to man."

The above statement underscores the importance of language to man; as such a study of language to ascertain its effective use is never a wasted exercise. Using a language effectively arises from the knowledge of that language,

And when you know a language, you can speak and be understood by others who know that language. This means you have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings and to understand or interpret the sounds produced by others.


Noam chomsky.

One important feature of language is its structure. Language is a structured phenomenon. It can be broken up into units and smaller units of language make up larger ones.
For instance, the grammar of English language is made up of the morpheme, which is the smallest meaningful unit; morpheme combined to form words; words combine to form phrases, and phrases combine to form clauses; and clauses combine to form sentences.

It is important to note that, the units are not combined anyhow, there are specific ways of combining them and there are particular kinds of units that can be combined with specific other kinds.
Knowledge of language entails knowing what can be combined with what and the rules guiding the combinations.
So therefore, Language is rule - governed. Knowing the rules and applying them in language is very essential.



Yeah really awesome

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