Facts About Volcano

in #writing6 years ago (edited)



where hot malten rock or "magma" from the Earth's interior erupts on the surface. Wich some volcanoes, it oozes out genly and flows overground as lava - red hot liquid rock. Others getclogged up wich thick plugs of magma and then suddenly burst through is a mighty explosion that sends upvjets of steam and hurls scorching fragnx its of debris from under the plugs thousands of metres in the air. Mostvvolcanoes occur near the cracks between the giant teetonic plates that make up the Earth's surface But a few occur at "hot spots" where plumes of hot magma rise under the crust.

img source: https://petapixel.com/2018/01/29/photographer-spots-newlyweds-volcano-erupts/?mc_cid=307d909664


Hi. I liked your post, keep it up. I wish you good luck and have a good day, and of course you can also get a big jackpot :)

Thanks! You too.

Ate, valcanoes or volcanoes? :) nice random fact by the way :)

Edited. Thank you!

Youre welcome Miss Beautiful.

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