The power of a drop of honey

in #writing6 years ago

Not everyone you meet in life will be wise and understanding. Some people can be so annoying that your temper will be aroused and you'll just give have to give them a piece of your mind. Alright, I agree you will have cleared your mind by lashing out at such a person but the question is, will such an individual be willing to see things from your perspective after such an aggressive confrontation?

Abraham Lincoln said something and although I can't really remember how it goes, it is something roughly like this. "If a man is filled with hatred and dislikes towards you, all the logic in Christendom cannot make him agree with you in any way" That is only a natural response if you ask me.

Several parents want to get their children to do certain things but their approach is utterly wrong. Some parents have "I'm your parent, you must do as I say" manner of trying to make their kids do what they want. They make it seem like this child is a robot, who can just be programmed to do their bidding at any point in time. If you wanted something like that, you should not have conceived at all, you should have bought robots instead.

These children are humans and if there is one every human subconsciously hates, it is being forced to do something. If you force a person to do something, he might do it but most likely out of resentment. If a situation arises another day, he will simply revert back to his old way of doing things.

Shouting, screaming, etc would not get you anywhere with people, it would only make them resent you more. If you want someone to do something for you, you should apply the gentle approach. You should go as a friend who is interested in his welfare (and be sincere about it). Be gentle in your approach and try to be patient and listen to him, every man loves to hear himself talk.

There is this old tale of the sun and the wind, where they both enter a competition to get a man's coat off his bosy. The wind goes first, raging and howling but this only makes the man pull his coat tighter around his body. After trying for some time, he gave up and the sun attempted his own method. Instead of raging, as the wind had done, the sun gently smiled at the man, who soon started mopping his forehead. After some time, the man eventually pulled off his goat and the sun won the competition by an act of gentleness.

Why don't you try being like the sun in this tale the next time you have to deal with a nagging wife, a domineering boss or husband, stubborn children or employees. Abraham Lincoln said and I quote "It is an old and true maxim that 'a drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall'. So with men, If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart; which say what you will, is the great high road to his reason.

If you connect to my words you can leave a vote.

Thank you.


Hey @atukh09 thats a great piece of writing you have. I strongly agree with your view point shouting, screaming gets one no where but earns more resentment. I have been through such a situation where a family member was really harsh on me, subjecting me to do stuff I was not really into. Because of the lack of interest and screaming involved I would end up stressed and I finally got to a point where I relly resented the guy. I think I still do.
Its great seeing someone who at least knows the feeling, keep up the good work man.

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