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RE: What drives you?

in #writing8 years ago

Excellent as usual @Timbo
I agree with pretty much all of what you wrote.
Self belief in ones´principles is what defines us and holds us together.
If we do not have any solid belief system we will discover that we soon fall apart under pressure.
Many years ago now, I went for a job interview at a large corporate company. It was a high paid position with big future prospects.
At the interview I was asked; "Would you betray a work colleague in order to advance up the ladder?".
I was horrified by the question, and responded by getting up and gathering my things (my portfolio). They asked what I doing.
"I must thank you for asking me that question for you have just saved me many years of bitter heart ache. For by asking me that you have told me that this is not the type of company I wish to give my dedication to. And so, I must ask you to forgive me but I will say thank you for your time and I wish you the best of luck with finding a suitable candidate. I have another interview I must prepare for tomorrow" ....Was my reply. The five people interviewing me look shocked and the room was totally silent.
A week later I got a letter in the post offering me the job.
Apparently out of 200 candidates I was the only one who had reacted to the question in a dramatic way. Most had answered either, "Yes I would" or "It depends on the situation" or something along those lines.
When I started the job the company director told me that he did not thing anyone like me existed in modern times lol.
I told him that I did not see it as anything special in that I was raised to be honorable and I had my own code of integrity.
It would not have made any difference to me if I had not got the job, as long as my conscience is clean that is all that matters.
What others do is entire up to them.
Good to see you think of such things, you are a good guy.


Ahh, that reaction would be priceless, to see the look on their faces like that would be stunning.

I wonder what I would've done in that situation, probably I would not of been so dramatic but I would of been floored at hearing the question for sure.

What was the job like I wonder?

Ha ha yeah the look on their faces was a picture for sure, and perhaps one I should paint lol!.
Apparently they did it as a test of your integrity but perhaps it was a bit dramatic.

In the bank of Goldman Sachs I hear they use that question there too, but want the answer to be the very opposite, as in ;
"Oh for sure I would screw over my best friend if it made me a million bucks"

It is said that in the finance industry / stock market there are 6 out of 10 employees who are psychopaths and so they actively look for other psychopaths to join the team.
This is what lead to the financial crash of course. The system was so corrupt that the share price was a scam.

I worked at this company for about 4 years but then I survived a car crash and decided to work for myself to have more freedom.

Good for you indeed, my father used to work for Merrill Lynch and I got my far share of psychopathic scam stories from him ha.

I couldn't work for a company like Goldman Sachs.

Yea, I can understand you on the surviving a life altering scenario, it makes you realize you only have one life to life.

Well said!
Wow, Merrill Lynch, yes I bet he does have some stories to tell.
You Dad must be clever fellow. not easy to get a foot in the door there.
Laters my good man

Ah, it was a long time ago my father passed away when I was 13, but when I was born it was the company he was working for. Yes, he was a brilliant man and I was lucky to have him for the time that I did.

He has passed down many experiences and a lot of knowledge.

Have a good one as well my friend!

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