in #writing7 years ago

nteresting Facts
● If you someh●w found a way to extract all of the g●ld from the bubbling core of our lovely little planet, you would be able to cover all of the land in a layer ●f gold up to your knees.
●McDonalds calls frequent buyers ●f their food “heavy users.”
●The average person spends 6 months of their lifetime waiting on a red light t● turn green.
●The largest recorded sn●wflake was in Keogh, MT during year 1887, and was 15 inches wide.
●Y●u burn more calories sleeping than y●u do watching television.
●There are more lifeforms living ●n your skin than there are people ●n the planet.
●Southern sea otters have flaps ●f skin under their forelegs that act as p●ckets. When diving, they use these pouches to store rocks and f●od.
●In 1386 a pig in France was executed by public hanging f●r the murder of a child.
●One in every five adults believe that aliens are hiding in ●ur planet disguised as humans.
●If you believe that you’re truly one in a milli●n, there are still approximately 7,184 more people ●ut there just like you.
●A single cl●ud can weight more than 1 milli●n pounds.
●A human will eat ●n average 70 ass●rted insects and 10 spiders while sleeping.
●James Buchanan, the 15th U.S. president continuously b●ught slaves with his own money in ●rder to free them.
●There are m●re possible iterations of a game of chess than there are at●ms in the known universe.
●The average person walks the equivalent of three times ar●und the w●rld in a lifetime.
●Men are 6 times m●re likely to be struck by lightning than w●men.
●C●ca-Cola would be green if col●ring wasn’t added t● it.
●Y●u cannot sn●re and dream at the same time.

Enjoy. :)

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