The occult and Plato's Cave.

in #writing6 years ago

Talking about the occult can be so difficult.
For one, many seem too revolt against the idea of it all.

Partly due to the challenges proving such because of the hidden nature itself.
But also partly due to the fear of opening eyes wide enough to see the absolutely terrifying reality.

And there may be other factors as well, however.. It's such an important subject and so few that I've met explore it diligently.

It is concerning. One of my main goals in life is to try to help bridge the gap between the exoteric and estoric worlds. Or the.. Hidden and public ones to use other words.

I think it would be much more difficult for the people in power to prey off of the world, if the majority of the world wasn't oblivious to their existence.

It is VITAL in my opinion that more people learn to care more about how serious the implications of the secretive world are.

The majority of people don't understand that they have been basically brainwashed from birth by secret rulers that are playing reality like a game of Risk or Chess.

Unless you were born out in the wilderness somewhere away from modern society, you were likely brainwashed to some degree. If you subscribe to any mainstream religion, if you went to virtually any public school or if you just sort of went along with the society even if you didn't fall victim to the other two, you're still following the Pied Piper.

You are dancing to their song so to speak. They have "entranced" you. Like a magician, they used mind control to get you to resonate to the frequency they are putting out.

I'm not trying to act elitest myself when I say this though studying the occult can tend to do that! That's one reason it attracts the people it does, it's a "force multiplier" it tends to make the people who learn of it feel like they have secret and powerful knowledge that others do not. And they do. Sometimes it's sophistry and deception, but in general.. The occult is at least one step ahead of the public world.

So once again when I say this.. I'm not trying to put myself on some sort of pedestal, I'm just like you except my eyes have been opened to the truth. To speak deeply from my heart here.. It hurts me when I see people who don't understand this. It pains my soul to see so many people so "controlled" by forces they don't even WANT TO KNOW ABOUT.

It's sort of like the sadness I feel when seeing animals in a zoo. Their natural spirit has been dominated, and while they are still alive in their bodies on some level, you can see it in their eyes that they are defeated.
That's what I see when I look into the eyes of 99% of people. You're defeated, and you don't even know it. You're in a zoo, and you don't even know it. YOU are the animals you go to see at the zoo, that's you. You're just performing a job for the "masters", and strangely enough some of you are so indentured you actually believe you are the masters..

Very few I think break out of the conditioning in serious manner. I don't pretend to know the numbers, but I would wager to guess in a world of 7.4 billion according to Google.. I'd say.. There's probably.. A couple hundred million at best who are decently awakened. And by decently awakened.. I mean.. Aware of the secret world, and that would include those who are members of the various secret societies.

Which would put the number of awakened individuals not in secret societies at.. Probably half that number or less.

That's amazing from a purely mathematical point of view, and I have to hand it to the people in power cause.. They really are an extreme minority of the population yet have managed to mind control almost everyone into following their social orders.

Probably like.. 100 million people.. Controlling 7.4 billion through understanding psychology, conditioning and symbolism.

To break it down even further.. And once again I'm just guessing here.. I could be way off, no one really knows these numbers probably not even the secret societies in power.. Though.. I would say that.. Out of that 100 million that controls the world, probably like.. Less than a million of them are at the top of the pyramid.

I would say like.. 99% of that 100 million are mostly individuals who are one or a few steps above the general public, but still essentially pawns on the chess board. The true number of people who are at the top of the pyramid.. I would just guess are probably like.. Maybe even 100 thousand or less.

So if you think about it.. You have perhaps.. 100 thousand secretive people who control 100 million secretive people who control most of the world and perhaps around 100 million awakened individuals who are resisting them and then a WHOLE horde of mostly indifferent or "potential agents(Matrix reference)" of masses in the middle.

To me it seems key to increase the number of people on our side so to speak. To, make more people aware of what's really going on. And that doesn't mean they'll join us upon learning of this, they may join those in power.. However.. This big mass of people in the middle is a problem for the good side in my opinion and a tool for those in power, so this equation MUST be changed. We need less ignorant people fueling their machine.

Though it's difficult when people are so much more interested in the very things that are brainwashing them.
Reminds me once again of Plato's Cave allegory. And you find this very story hidden throughout so much of popular entertainment, but.. It's that once one sort of learns of their slavery, they try to warn others about it and others don't believe it because they haven't seen it for themselves, so they think you're crazy..

Photo by Luke Leung on Unsplash

And if you think about it.. I really do think it is a numbers game. We need more people who care. Or else.. I don't see things changing much for the better. So... Somehow we have to help others see the illusion so they can break those chains and not continue to be automatons or tools of the elite.

I'm going to end this now so it's not too long, though.. I just had a really interesting discovery in relation to the Plato's Cave metaphor, and.. I will probably make a whole post about that before too long.
I would add it in here now cause it's related, however.. I want to explore it a little more and try to understand it better before I talk about it. Anyways.. Peace and talk to you later!


Sorry for the super delayed response, but.. Cool! Thanks. I'll check out the post you linked and if I like it I'll give him a follow and maybe leave a comment too.

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