Sorry to those who I haven't properly responded to, I'm going to try to do better.

in #writing6 years ago

I just watched a video by nathanmars on steem and I resonated a lot with what he was saying and actually had similar thoughts myself recently which are now reinforced.

He was talking about how important it is to respond to comments, and.. Build a relationship with people and I agree. I used to be OCD about responding to everything I could meaningfully respond to.

Though it got to the point with the IFC, where I just couldn't keep up with it anymore. It was too much and I had been struggling with keeping up with it for a while before that.

There gets to be a point where you can only healthily or even humanly respond to so much, I can't spend my whole life responding to comments, or even too much of it.. Life is precious.

Yet.. I think for a while now I've sort of.. Got to a point where producing content became more important than interacting with people and I think that needs to change.

So.. I'm going to do my best to try to not post new content until I go and respond to most of my old messages, and I have a bunch of stuff to respond to so I may not be posting as much for a lil while here.. Though I think it'll be good to go back to the human element and connect with people better rather than trying to almost robotically put out content on a regular basis.

But I mean.. Ultimately when it gets too busy.. Like when IFC is in season which should be starting in January, I can't keep up with it all.
It's a conflict for me, and I'll just do the best I can. Sorry to anyone who has been waiting for a response for a while or who may never get one.

I'm on so many different social media with so many different people trying to talk to me, it's literally overwhelming at times trying to keep up with it all.
And.. I'm not even that popular! I don't have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of subscribers/friends/followers whatever word you wanna use like some people do. Yet.. At some point it just gets to be too much.

Hope you understand. I actually had one person essentially unfriend me recently cause I didn't visit their page enough.. And I'm just like.. Wow.. I dunno how I'm suppose to be expected to keep up with so many different people.
I can't humanly do it. Yet, I will make a great effort to reduce the content I put out in order to respond to people more.

PS.. If you are waiting for a response you can always try to message me again! Sometimes messages get lost.. And also I will try to respond to a bunch of you very soon however I am extremely busy, so.. It'll happen when I can manage it. Peace! <3


Wow so popular. How to be you? Lol. I find that only when I comment on other people's posts here that's when I get comments back. I don't have much people responding to my posts on their own here so I have all the time in the world. Not. Haha.

Don't bother with those who unfriend you. It's more about them, not abt you. :D People react to what we do and we get to see what kind of people they are. :)

I even said I'm not very popular in my post, I recently came out and announced I might have cancer in my eyes or something serious and I got a whole 3 people commenting on steem and 3 on Facebook.. Definitely not popular, I think most people who I thought cared could care less if I even existed.

Bummer to hear you don't have much response either, I think right now the crypto/steem scene is pretty quiet, but.. My Facebook is as well I think a lot of people are perhaps starting to take a step back from social media, though.. I have a feeling they will return in time.

And yeah! Good advice/sentiments at the end there! I totally agree. I don't have friends based on what they can do for me. I try to be as accepting of all the diff kinds as possible.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and hope you're doing well!

Well there are plenty of people who are self-absorbed. I'm not excluded. I have my moments too. Lol.

What, you did a click-baity post and only 3 people got baited? Haha, try something worse with pics maybe more people will comment. Lol. But seriously why would you possibly have cancer in the eyes or something???

Yeah I think we all are, some more or less than others though. And I wouldn't describe it as click baity, the subject just said something like "an update on my life" or something like that, and I was basically just letting peoples know what was going on with me. I wouldn't consider tha tclickbait, but anyways.. To answer your question I dunno, maybe from staring at computer screens much of my whole life. Or could be something else. Point of the post was that I don't know what it is, and that it could be cancer or something else. I don't know. When I looked on Google the first link said brown/yellow spots could be a sign of cancer. So.. I dunno. I need to get it looked at when I get enough money.

Oh you really should go to the doctor. You know what they say, when we look up symptoms online we always end up with cancer. Lol.

I have found that commenting on posts and replying to comments can be time consuming. I put aside a little bit of time to do this each day, as much as I can. It is so easy to miss a comment though. It is as it is.

The wonderful world of social media. People want content, and they want interaction, and never the two to meet. A big balancing act it is, (big big hint), be careful of Steem Monsters Game, it will drop your content production, and your commenting production, and your keeping up with all those hundreds of of people on various media. But it will increase your social with people if you join a guild, or play with a set of friends, but it is a great time consumer. (I obviously need to come up with a new balance myself).

It is like we are all living on a teeter-totter called life, sometime we move to close to the center and have a hard time reaching the ground as we move to close to the center, then we start to slide as the people pile on the other end lifting us higher and higher. We are ecstatic about it. Then slowly by ones and twos they get off the teeter totter, and we are slowly being moved back to ground level, then bam!!! they all jump off and we come crashing down to the ground getting butt hurt.

I prefer the balance beam, that way I am the only one that causes myself to be butt hurt, and the only person to blame is myself.

O-kay that all does not sound very nice, and it is not meant to sound mean but it does, I sometimes have a hard time explaining my viewpoint. I guess in this case what I am trying to say is don't let others control what you want to do. I know you like to respond as often as is humanly possible, that you try to visit other people's works and pages, and that you also have things that you want to share, new experiences you want to experience - (such as recent Pro-Photo Shoots) - We can not nor should we be all to all people. You have a life, part of your life and many other peoples life is social media whether they want to admit it or not. And it does affect what we do and how we see ourselves in life inside and outside of social media.

Life on a balance beam is a much easier life than one on a teeter-totter when we try to find balance. On the beam we control how high to set the bar, on a teeter-totter the only control we have is when to get on and off or how close we want to get to the middle or the end. we have no control over who jumps on and off to lift us up or crash us down.

Any way, I hope the new photo shoots are going great and that you and your friends and family have a nice holiday season, and looking forward to see how things work in January.

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