Some more random philosophical musings.

in #writing6 years ago

The desperation for being accepted appears to be linked to peoples fear of the serious and important subjects in the world.

For example, if you're one of these people who feeds off of attention from others in the form of excessive selfies and sharing the exciting and positive parts of your life while not sharing the less positive ones.. Then.. You will likely be repelled by conspiracy theories and politics and the occult.

If for some reason you are one of those people but not repelled by those subjects then I would guess you will likely be the typical sort of "trend follower" or "order follower".

I think you'll probably either be on the left or right of the political spectrum, or you'll buy into only certain conspiracy theories supported by government propaganda, or you'll be a low level minion of secret societies.

If you're hooked into this culture of hedonism and happiness and being accepted by the community at virtually all cost.. Then... Why on earth would you take a serious stand and speak out against corruption or war or animal abuse or anything? That would cause division!

You might lose friends or make people not like you! That is like one of the worst fears of people who are desperate for ego attention and acceptance.

If you value being accepted and keeping your world "in a certain order".. Then I don't think you will ever get to the deeper levels of human compassion or philosophy and intellect for that matter.

If you ignore the most serious and important subjects in the world for your own superficial goals, how could you ever expect to reach such levels that are a direct result and response of exploring these critical subjects?

When you desire approval of the crowd, you become limited by them and their limitations as well.

When you base who you are off of how the popular groups in your mind want you to be.. Then.. You become a caricature almost, or at the very least a "character" or a "costume".
And.. Unfortunately the people in power understand this all too well. They have studied human psychology and have much of it down to a science.

They know you crave comfort in numbers and acceptance and they cultivate it in you as well through hidden messages littered throughout media, entertainment, history and the world in general..

So they create that environment for you sort of like rats in a cage or a petri dish and.. You just do what they want you to do essentially. Like a dog learning to roll over or do some kind of trick.

For the most part anyways.. Some of you escape the chains and manage to be decently free in a world full of slaves.

Yet.. How do we help wake up more people when they love their ignorance so much? Some would argue Mundus vult decipi.. But.. I don't agree with that line of thinking myself. I think deep down people do want to know, they've just been sort of tricked into avoiding such.


I got a book you might like, send me your address in a facebook message and I will pop it in the mail.

Cool man. Thanks I appreciate that. Heading to bed now but wrote a note and will try to send you the address tomorrow.

LOL bro, you are a trier, I will give you that, you know they do not care by now, the Kardashians and fake nails, boob jobs an plastic culture is more important to them.

:) I am indeed a trier. And I know they don't for the most part, but I think if I keep reflecting the image they are showing to me back to them that over time some of them may start to snap out of it a lil bit. Hopefully anyways. If not it still feels more productive than what they are doing with their ego shows, so.. I don't mind sending out some "feelers" for lack of a better term from time to time to see if I can find some who still "feel"/ care.

i think it all gets easier when you realize you are nothing but energy, the world is energy, everything is energy. you are one with that energy, and nothing you do here matters... not really. it is a game, the game of life, and in that game we have given up memory of who we are in order to recreate ourselves again.

if we didn't want to be deceived we wouldn't have come here. but we also wanted to learn to discern, and that can't be given to you.

in the end, to remain sane, I've seen that we are only ever doing this to ourself, and we can end our own suffering at any time, and so can anyone else.

some of those folks you see living happy, cheerful lives... they know, but they also know that what they are doing is the best way to get to a happy ending.

you can live in paradise here and now, within the present conditions, and work to expand your influence, but to claim to want to fix the world... well maybe it is waking up.. i just be one with the waking up and let the world take care of itself.

it is hard to sleep with the lights on.

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