Sheriff’s deputy assaults 15 year old boy with no arms or legs.

in #writing5 years ago

I've been trying to be more peaceful, loving, forgiving and compassionate, but.. This really angers me.

Government went too far a long time ago, and it continues to go further and do absolutely absurd things and the majority of people seem like they could care less as long as it's not happening to them or someone they personally know and love.

What's it going to take for more people to stand up and demand real change? The sad truth is that the cop could have literally murdered the boy and most people probably wouldn't even care. It's just been normalized now. It's normal for police to beat the life out of and murder innocent people and get away with it.

I'll be surprised if this officer even spends a single day in jail and this story before too long will likely disappear down the collective memory hole to be mostly forgotten like so many other cases of governmental abuse.

We are literally being owned and exploited like slaves by terrorists and almost no one wants to look at it, too busy with making money, taking selfies and social media and sports and entertainment and music and food and on and on and on.

This world is in a very bad place, it is likely headed in a worse direction and I wish more people cared about each other more...
To end this post I want to share a poignant excerpt from the article.

"Pima County Public Defender Joel Feinman told The Washington Post that the disturbing incident likely wouldn’t have come to light if it weren’t for another teenager at the group home, who recorded the confrontation and then had his head pushed into the wall by deputies."

Seriously... This is what we put up with? This society is sick. We need more healing and love and less predation and injustice.


That is some seriously disturbing footage right there. Complete overreaction by the police.

Agreed. It boggles my mind why the officer felt that level of aggression and force was necessary. smh

That seemed very excessive and uncalled for, especially considering the context of the situation.

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Yeah... I just don't understand why that was even an option. I think the officer has some mental issues and probably shouldn't be doing that job. Well. I don't think anyone should be an enforcer of government law, but... Even more so with this guy.

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